COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Yeah, that’s why the other factors will more than compensate for them and keep cases rising.

And then people will get tired of the “skinny lockdowns” and we won’t have any lockdowns in january

I read this blog post a few weeks back and it seems like a good high-level overview of some strategies. Lots of links sprinkled throughout if you want to drill down on specifics.

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Gotta be honest. I’m pretty happy to be going back to school albeit only part-time (thankfully).

School’s gonna be at most 1/3 full for the next 3 weeks or so. More than enough room for social distancing.


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Hey I’m just hoping the lockdowns keep the growth down a point or two. Expect no retreat until January. Maybe.

I’m definitely having a little buyers remorse today. I need a breathalyzer for my computer that won’t let me make any purchases if my BAC is over .01%.

But she’s 42, super smart and really hot with an insane body, actually likes me for some reason, and could be theoretically be something long term - which I’ve pretty much given up on. She lives in Cologne, which I’ve heard is a really fun town. I’d be happy to GTFO out of the US to Germany - I have a few good friends there.

I was hoping to hook up with her when I come through Europe my world road trip. But that might not be for 3-4 years if I do South America, then Oceania, then Asia, then maybe Africa, then Europe. I was worried the magic might be gone by then. This should help keep it alive, or end the dream one way or the other.


Just get some real N95s off ebay for the flight.

Are they still worth it assuming I would happily die before I shave my beard and show up in CR looking like a fat, deranged Mitch McConnell? Maybe I need a full on gas mask.

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Unless I am missing something, I assume that an n95 is still safer than any other mask even with a beard.

If you guys stay out of the beach bars and restaurants it should be mostly ok. In other words if you behave how you do at home it probably isn’t too much risk. I have my doubts as to whether someone traveling from Europe to CR can possibly be taking covid seriously though so I can for see issues when she wants to hit the bars. The bars will be full of other people not taking covid seriously and your risk and then the risk of everyone you come in contact with after increases dramatically.

Haha, yeah.

Have you researched travel health insurance?

You’re selling your mom that a 42-year-old is going to be the one to give her grandkids?

Damn, in hindsight, is it possible she is getting older and just wants a long term relationship? In which case, you could have just invited her to come stay with you in the USA instead of going to Costa Rica?

The irrationality of want has no limits.


She can’t come to the USA - lol.


Costa Rica makes you buy covid insurance in case you get sick there.


Germany is restricting travel to the US?


But strangely, no one can go to America. I had planned to visit my family in Wisconsin this Christmas, but that’s not possible now

Clearly she’s taking covid very seriously. I’m fucked lol.

Then again if I lived in Germany I’d be a lot more likely to trust the govt on what’s relatively safe and what’s not.

But at least you’re fucked.