COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Do you have access to any of her social media?

She hardly ever posts. Last few were skydiving. She’s not a hoaxer or anything. I know that much.

This is from a few years ago. She’s the one crouching in the lower right.

She’s an engineer who works for a racing sports company. She races motocross semi-seriously She’s basically an adrenaline junkie big kid who never grew up. I know she doesn’t want to have kids.

COVID-19: Chapter 6 - International Affairs


COVID-19: Chapter Six Sex - International Femme Fatale


I mean she may not be a hoaxer but literally no one actually taking this seriously is booking recreational international travel. I like you suzzer and I get why you are doing it. It isn’t the worst idea ever. Literally going to a gym everyday for months is undoubtedly worse.


Wouldn’t have guess Irish based on that photo.

1m+ infections on Thanksgiving alone seems very possible. The polling indicates 40% of people are ADMITTING to having a 10+ person get together or attending one. That alone is 150m Americans. Add in all the people lying to the pollster out of shame and all the smaller get togethers and I don’t see how we don’t have a complete explosion from here. A 20 person thanksgiving in someplace like Kansas, the Dakotas or Illinois has to be roughly a 90% chance of someone being pozzed. the prevalence is that high. For the vast majority of the rest of the country it is probably 70-80%. Let’s say if there is someone at your thanksgiving pozzed you have a 50% chance to get pozzed. Let’s also use the low end of the liklihood of having someone pozzed at your large thanksgiving and say it is 60%. That is still:
150m*.5*.6 = 45 million Americans pozzed on Thanksgiving.
If my math is off by 10x that is still 4.5m Americans pozzed.

Right now, we are getting 1m positive tests a week. So yeah, it seems very likely we could have several million infections on Thanksgiving weekend alone.

Maybe “Black Irish”?

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I can’t believe that after all this shit in 2020 @suzzer99 is going to find true love and it’s going to end up being a net positive year. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Loled at net positive.


You’ve never seen a raven-haired Irish lass?


GOAT WWI Propaganda poster.


Sure, it’s just not my first guess when I see someone that looks like that. I don’t disbelieve it.

Everyone’s skin looks dark in that photo. She’s pretty pale.

LOL imagine trying to shame people from Ireland into going to fight for the UK. Jesus Christ the audacity of that poster makes my head hurt lol. This is with the famine still in sort of living memory lolololol.

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I figured 1M a day additional Turkey Day Pozzes based on very conservative estimates and with zero consideration of travel to and from. 3-5M total additional infections is probably a good guess, so maybe 600K/day jump around 12/5? That gets us to about 800K to 1M a day, and if we don’t do substantial shutdowns keep applying the exponential growth from there.

If we keep R0 at 1.0 from there, we’re 28 days from 16-20K deaths a day before accounting for the overrun of our healthcare system causing increased mortality rates.

Next question becomes when we run out of morgue trucks and have to switch to “bring out your dead” wagons.

More like net pozzeditive, amirite?

It has so many elements too. Belgium is burning. Grandpa and the kids are down at the water crying. The strong Irish lass is ready to go fight because her well-dressed gadabout husband with nice shoes has some bogus excuse for not fighting - as evidenced by the cane he’s holding but not using.

And of course nothing triggers Irish men more than a woman out-macho-ing them.

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Lol I’m sure the Irish women had a great time telling their men that if they went to go fight for the fucking Imperialists they’d find some other man while they were gone. You know… the opposite of the poster.

Wait how did suzzer meet this gal anyways? I’m so desperate for entertainment I went through his recent posts and didn’t see it. Need more sexcapade infos please.

On my trip through Mexico and Central America - we were staying at the same homestay in Antigua which a lot of the language schools offer for their students. I joke in the book that she’s a single female traveler in my age range - which makes her a flying unicorn that farts rainbows. We hung out in Antigua and then she came to join me in El Salvador later.

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