COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I had tickets to Coachella, rage, the national, another local festival and there were like 3 others I didn’t even bother buying tickets for seeing the writing on the wall.

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$12.50 a day for covid insurance in CR (not sure what that buys ya but you might want to set it aside)

It’s mandatory. I already bought it. But I put the wrong passport #. I didn’t realize it changes when you renew. I emailed them and they immediately fixed it. Good customer service.

seems cheap! could be for a cardboard coffin i guess. Just joking

Now remember, young man, there are a lot of viruses out there:

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This more than anything else I’ve seen deserves the billymadisonstupidestanswer.jpg more than anything.


I thought the same. I feel personally ripped off that there is no red hair in that picture

According to this website 0.25% of the people in Cologne are active cases right now.

That is actually almost exactly the average in Germany and therefore pretty decent for a major city. I still think this is a pretty stupid idea based on all the travel involved on both sides.

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Suzzer my advice as to what you should do is contained in this spoiler:



You’ve said you’re a writer, but are you also a musician?

And I ask you now, tell me what would you do
If her hair was black and her eyes were blue
I’ve traveled around I’ve been all over this world
Boys, I ain’t never seen nothin’ like a Galway girl


I knew it was “Central America”, but that’s not a continent. Wasn’t positive if it was N or S America though, was leaning towards N, so I had to google it. Found this:

" Where is Costa Rica Located?

Where is Costa Rica located: Central America, South America, North America or Latin M? is a question often heard discussing between Costa Ricans and North Americans, and more often than not, there is no agreement be either side.

So, we thought we would give an explanation that solves the debates.

Costa Rica is located in Central America, which is really a cultural region, as is Latin America and is one of the countries that lie on the isthmus connecting North and South America. Geographically it is part of the North American continent and culturally it is part of Latin America.

Pretty straight forward for a North American. However, if you are from Costa Rica or any of the Latin countries, the answer is quite different, Costa Rica is in the continent of America, which combines everything from the north to the south.

The reason for this is that, in Costa Rica and all other Latin countries, they are taught that there are only six (6) continents: America, Australia, Asia, Europe, Antarctica and Africa.

In the U.S. and Canada they’re taught 7 continents: North America, South America, Australia, Asia, Europe, Antarctica and Africa.

So, the next time you overhear or happen to be involved in a debate on where is Costa Rica located, simple, use your smartphone or tablet to pull up a map and show everybody, see right there!"

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North America is USA#143 and maybe Canada. Everything else between Brownsville and the South Pole is one of the Mexicos.



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That’s cool and all, but how about some Villages updates? You got any of those?

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Oh you meant COVID


I did, but that article about the fire was good for a chuckle. I probably found the “Property value is effected” funnier than I should have. Villages-News may want to spring for some copy editing.

Fuck you for making me think of Ed Sheeran

Yep - I cover that in my book - all romance language countries consider the Americas one continent - which is why there are only 5 Olympic rings (Antarctica has no participants).

And still you can ask a TON of Americans what continent Costa Rica is in before you get one to say North America. Half of Americans don’t even know Mexico is in North America. Before NAFTA probably much less.

Russia considers Eurasia one continent. I have to say they make a pretty good case. Why this one political continental boundary when all the others are geographic?

Your new girl probably loves Galway Girl.