New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

Yeah we were so horny to get the moderation things cooking that we just copy pasted to speed things up and get the banhammer hot.

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there’s also well thought out and drafted chit like this, tho

As if. I just click buttons on the computer. Who gets a bandaid isn’t even up to me!

Fine, I deleted my “clarification” post.

wise. now who are the current list of users we can’t refer to by their previous usernames? would hate for anyone to get caught up in any of the creepiness by accident.

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How can Keed be banned for a week for mentioning Cuse when Cuse himself has posts mentioning Cuse? It’s totally ridiculous and quite insane. I’m posting two examples,if you search for Cuse there are more available. If he was really so interested in deleting all traces of this SN he would have done so by now as he’s been a mod for quite a while. Instead he actively edits other people’s posts. Idc what side you’re on or whatever but this sort of behaviour is pretty outrageous and totally bizarre.

Also apart from this crazy behaviour he doesn’t even post here anymore. Why is he still a mod here?


Almost like something changed from 3+ years ago. Probably the systematic harassment that keeed and his buddies took part in.

I don’t think that poster wants you mentioning their name on here.

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Cus*rounder has been editing other user’s posts from 3+ years ago, so no that isn’t a difference.

Looks like he missed one. I’m sure he’ll happily change that one too.

Y’all are trying so hard at this. FFS it’s not that hard to simply call someone what they want to be called

Fastball typically doesn’t come back. You may want to try a new approach

Imagine thinking so little of the person you are defending that you don’t think he knows how to use a search function.

Looks like the man baby just missed one. He will do better next time.

Seems like a lot of posters are closet transphobes.


It’s not that hard to stfu when you have nothing constructive to add to @Rexx’s thoughtful and astute post yet here we are.

Can we talk about this,

or are you loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument has passed?

Here is a good question: Do you think that sort of error carries over to your analysis about any or all of this?

For example, I didn’t go to Band Aid School so I don’t know how to put on a Band Aid. But, I know that I don’t know. So I tailor my behavior accordingly.

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The ironic bit here is that we call him SK instead of his old name because he accidentally had personal info linked to his 2+2 account. If SK wanted to make it so no one mentioned his old name no one would mind

Some guy who hasn’t been called by his old user name in like 15 years because people know how not to be assholes with personally identifying information when they don’t want to be.

Lol, and who is “we”

  1. That situation is not at all analogous.

  2. Even if it was, you’re lying: