New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

Lol, and who is “we”

  1. That situation is not at all analogous.

  2. Even if it was, you’re lying:

Wookie’s don’t be an ahole ldo rule seems to have some cracks in it.

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So SK didn’t want no one to call him by his old sn. Thanks for doing the legwork showing I’m right

lol, if you say so.

You found an example where he wasn’t even called by his full other user name. CONFIRMED DIRTY LIE.




Good job letting the maniac edit my post and make me look like the maniac. Jfc


He’s a mangiac, mangiac on the floor!


I’m left wondering if that’s the reason that userounder-cay isn’t just added to the profanity filter.

I honestly don’t know what happened, the fracturing into 3 faiths

Something about covid and ■■■■■ lol

Then jmakin, bless his heart, did something. He’s clearly a moody mofo

Cliffs publishing just called

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See u next Tuesday

You should question the decisions that jmakin, rollin wit jmakins

He’s made it clear he does want to be called c*** rounder, but now only on parts of the World Wide Web that he chooses (such as his illuminating Life Tips series of videos aimed at enabling us all to lead better, more fulfilling lives just like his) and not on other parts of the World Wide Web.

Why is this spoilt child behaviour still tolerated here?

Everything about this is idiotic, on both sides, but I do fail to understand why one posters decision to dox himself a long time ago binds everyone on the internet to never referencing it again?

He made that choice. Why are we all dealing with the repercussions? If his identity was so sensitive he wouldn’t have let it out.

This feels like 5% actual concern and 95% a way to create drama with people you don’t like.


Why can’t you just start a Twitter account to point this out and leave this place out of it?

So if you posted your real name on here at some point you agree that anyone should be able to harass you by posting it or hinting at it for the rest of time?

Even if you abandon the clovis8 screen name, it’s fine with you that someone on here posts “[Your real name(or yes, even a clever pun on your real name)] is Clovis8 is [your new screen name]” because at some point you doxxed yourself?

And then let’s say you make it clear people can call you “clovis” but you ask them to leave off the “8” at the end, totally fine with you if they ignore that simple request and harass you repeatedly making a point of calling you “clovis 8” each time as a bit of “see, I’m not typing his old username at all!”?

who are the current list of users we can’t refer to by their previous usernames? would hate for anyone to accidentally get caught up in any of the creepiness.

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What an extraordinary hill they’ve chosen to die on.

So I was doxxed again this morning and the guy wasn’t permanently banned, just a week off. Why was that? @moderators