Movie Fight Scenes Draft


If we’re gonna have standards, then you should adopt the only one that matters.

Ok I was afraid of getting sniped so I’m going another comedy scene

It’s like when Spock had to fight Kirk on Star Trek


@Nicholasp27 it’s unfortunate you have to go after the greatest draft of all time but you’re up

I’m biased since I’m a big Jim Carrey fan. I also liked The Cable Guy and think it’s underrated. So this gets a


It might be my favorite movie of his. His acting is top notch and there’s so many great lines.


I got my fight scene but it’s so epic getting clips of the whole thing is gonna take some time.

giphy (17)


Sorry I fell asleep and am going back to bed now

Keep going and I’ll post mine when I wake up in a few hours

Given that nicholas has passed, it is my turn

I was gonna go elsewhere with this pick when I realized that nobody has picked a fight with Jet Li in it yet. I have no idea how that is possible. One of the most well-known and successful martial arts actor of all-time has gone this long without so much as a peep. But not anymore.

Not only is Jet Li in this fight, but Donnie Yen is as well

superuberbob selects

Hero (2002) - Nameless vs. Chángkōng

Nameless is an assassin who is seeking to kill the king of Qin, an ancient Chinese state during the Zhou dynasty. His plan is to kill the other three assassins who attempted to take the King’s life then tell the story of their deaths in order to gain his trust.

This is Nameless’s first target, Chángkōng. They briefly begin fighting but stop. Nameless asks the old man to play a song while the two combatants stand and allow the battle to take place in their minds. The breaking of the instrument brings them back into reality.

SUB’s team

  1. Ip Man (2008) - Ip Man vs 10 Karate Students
  2. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) - Yú Xiùlián vs. Yù Jiāolóng
  3. Cowboy Bebop: Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door (2000) - Spike Spiegel vs. Vincent Volaju
  4. Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior (2003) - Fight Club Scene
  5. Hero (2002) - Nameless vs. Chángkōng

@Nicholasp27 can go whenever. Otherwise it’s on @JonnyA


More a musical jamboree than a fight scene. Very cool dream sequence though!

I actually like that it’s a dream sequence. The B&W along with the guqin playing in the background creates a really cool atmosphere.

I’ve been trying to pick a different type of scene with each pick. For my 5th pick, I’m going with a big battle scene. I feel in this area, there is basically Saving Private Ryan and then everything else is second tier. So I’m going to go with my personal favorite from an absolutely epic movie. It’s got a great set-up with the Indians silently shadowing the unaware Redcoats. A slight build up in tension as a few rush in, and the rest let our their war cries creating confusion and fear. And then the action starts. Finally, it ends as the music swells with part of the greatest movie theme song as our hero rescues the girl - this soundtrack is still one of my favorites to listen to while working.

Edit: I almost picked a different scene from this movie just because of the music.


I agree. It’s actually one of my favorites! Just giving you a hard time in good fun (I hope).

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@Twist is up assuming we’re still skipping.

I don’t have my vehicle battle scene yet, so I’m going to take one from a movie that really is mostly one big long vehicle battle scene, but it has some logical breaks in the fighting so I need to pick one segment.

So I’ll take from 1:28 to 1:46 in the movie, the chase back to the Citadel.

Polecats? Check
Bad-ass Granny? Check
Explosions? Check
Bungee cord flame-thrower Guitarist? Check
Slow-mo vehicle crash with parts flying? Check

(this first 5 minutes of it may be blocked in your country, so just load up the movie and go to 1:28 and watch it there instead of in these clips)

But really you should just watch the whole movie.


Sorry for the delay. Had a fun day of attempting to build a brick wall and forgot all about it.

Round 5, Pick 7:

Apocalpse Now: The Valkyries

ANNOYING GAP: I couldn’t find a clip of where they circle the village and a woman grenades a helicopter while a man screams in agony with his leg blown to bits.

Entirely shot on location using an actual airforce this 40 year old scene is still one of the greatest in movie history, surpassing almost anything since. A perfect marriage of sound, music and image. Utterly awesome, totally sick.

I love everything about it but particularly its depiction of vainglorious terror set against the quiet poverty of the people it obliterates. The cut to the quiet village square and the lone kid staring back at the ocean is genius. So is Killgore’s “fucking savages” remark when a villager deigns to fight back with a grenade (the segment I couldn’t find).

Coppola was the goddam master.


Right, time to go out on a real celebration of violence.

Round 6, Pick 1:

Once Upon A Time in Hollywood: Lets hear it for the Manson Family.

This scene is so over the top nuts it’s wonderful. Just totally gratuitous. You spend the entire film knowing it’s gonna happen, waiting for it to occur and yet even after its belated arrival you still get blown away. You’ve got a dog eating a guys nuts, a woman taking a can of dogfood to the face, another literally getting her face bludgeoned off and it’s still just an entree for Leonardo Dicaprio and a flamethrower. Sounds disgusting, and it is! but it’s all ok because you’re doing it to the Mansons! Just pure theatre and a perfect celebration of everything it shouldn’t be possible to celebrate.

It also contains one of my favourite movie quotes of the last decade: “I’m as real as a donut motherfucker.”

Edit: @JonnyA I think it’s you next.


I guess you’ve heard it played by the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards? Love this piece of music


I’ve been lukewarm on watching this. I really wanted to just catch it on accidentally one day as that makes it more likely for me to enjoy and absorb a film.

But that donut line sold me.