Movie Fight Scenes Draft

I watched the Rainmaker last month and realized how I failed to appreciate it in my younger days.

With my final pick, I’m going to go with something a bit less mainstream. It’s the best fight from one of my favorite movies - and back in the day was my go to costume for Halloween.

I love the set-up with the Furries menacingly swinging their bats and followed by a chase through Riverside Park (great music in the movie too). I also appreciate how the fight starts with Ajax redeeming himself a bit - up to this point he’s been pretty dismissive of his fellow gang members, but here he refuses to leave the tired Mouse behind, even if that means facing likely death against the entire Furries gang.

The fight itself is also solid. The standoff between Ajax and the leader of the Furies feels a bit like a western duel, starting with an all time classic - “I’ll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle” - and the Furry showing off some fancy bat moves. After the Warriors dispose of the Furries, the fight ends with Swan and Ajax (who up until this point had been semi-rivals) sharing a look of mutual respect and Ajax finally walking with the rest of the gang rather than by himself at the back.

In summary, all I can say about this scene is:


@superuberbob is up.

Finally gonna go USA #1 with my pick and choose a scene that always pumps me up!

For my final pick, I’m going with Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) - Harry Hart vs. An entire church

Man this fight kicks so much ass. Normally, I look down on gimmicky camera use but it combined with “Freebird” is the perfect combination for Colin Firth blowing everyone away. It was my #1 non-war Hollywood fight scene and still made it to the final round. Man am I happy with my team.

Your turn @Nicholasp27


Got a lot of ratings to give.

But let’s start with The Last of the Mohicans. It’s not my favorite battle scene but I do like it. I got at least a few above it but it’s definitely draftable. It’s get my Hell Yeah! seal of approval

It isn’t a Tarantino scene if it isn’t oozing with gratuitous violence.

One of the war scenes I had ahead of The Last of the Mohicans

Mad Max is where it’s at!

Took until more than halfway into the clip for the fight. Again it’s probably good as a product of its time like a certain someone who hasn’t shown up yet but compared to today doesn’t really deserve to be drafted IMO

I almost picked this earlier

Great melee scene

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It was gonna be my 5th round pick until I saw that nobody picked a Jet Li scene yet.

And hasn’t since I made that pick.

I’m looking forward to the free-for-all when the draft is over.

Realized this morning this could have been a 10 rounder.

Yeah 6 rounds is making it tough for me to pick here

I’ll get one up later today but I won’t be sniped so skip me for now

If there are enough people who want to make it longer, I’m game.

This draft has surprised me in a lot of ways. This was a way more Hollywood-centric draft than I thought. But at the same time, I did see a whole lot of scenes that I didn’t even think of picking.

As a side note, two of my top three comedy fight scenes are still on the board.

I appreciate this post because you seem to know exactly what I have in mind. And you’re probably right. We are getting dangerously close to the end, though, and it hasn’t happened yet.

Almost took it but I couldn’t pass on Kingsman. So awesome.

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I was waiting impatiently for this one. If I had participated in the draft, this would have been my #1, not because it’s the greatest or anything, but because I f’n love it.


It took so long for it to get drafted I just went ahead and watched it on my own a couple days ago. I love the old musician dude.

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It was one of my top 10 fight scenes and lasted until my final pick lol

Wasn’t BPA though. That probably won’t be picked.

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I’m hoping we extend this as 6 really isn’t enough, but just in case, it’s time to quickly escalate my team.

I need a pure comedic fight, preferably one where an arm gets chopped off. Since I got sniped on the Monty Python scene, I’m gonna take this one while I still can.

Anchorman Battle Scene


And that’s the one I was referring to with R_C

Definitely the number 1 comedy battle scene

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Actually not the one I was thinking of. It is very funny though.

Heh, I’ve had one comedy fight scene in mind since this draft started. Wonder if we are on the same page…

Anchorman is definitely real good though

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Got another one that I was and am certain would not be picked