
Who are the mods anyway?

@Smacc_25, @goofyballer and @MrWookie?

Are there any others?

@RiskyFlush and @TheDuker?

Well? the 5 of you? Itā€™s at 93% and the most vigorous defense this guy gets is some people would be ok if he were contained.

I think you mean @DodgerIrish

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Bonus likes for moving the Triceratops thread to French BBV.

You can mute the thread and never see it again.

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Yes thatā€™s the other Mod :+1:

Raids has a decade of practice trying to post as shitty and high volume as possible while staying just under what he feels is the threshold of a ban. Then, he inevitably crosses that line, gets permaā€™d and comes back on a new name.

That being said, I donā€™t know if a ban is the best solution. The primary problem is his high volume and banning wont get rid of him. I donā€™t know what options the forum software gives, can you give someone a post per day limit or give his posts a button that will let anyone ban him for an hour?

Although, if you do want to actually ban him, SE regs also have a decade of practice and can probably spot a new Raids account in under 25 posts.

Just make me a mod and Iā€™ll push the button, no problem.



Sorry, I got confused by the previous poll being quoted just above it.


There should be new mods and you should be one.

Ah, didnā€™t realize that.

Who the mods (and admins) are isnā€™t some closely guarded secret.

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I voted ā€œyesā€ because anyone causing this much consternation is not going to be good for the community; see my earlier thoughts on the necessity of dealing with trolls firmly.

That said, heā€™s also got a lifetime achievement award in posting that would justify it on any forum:

Users with no avatars doing the work for the NOs in that pole :expressionless:

Never heard of ā€œingā€. Is that a poster or some special use account?

The dinosaur guy is way more problematic and toxic than anachro has been lately. Nothing anachro has posted lately, while terrible and triggering, is a repeat of the abusive posting he was banned for. His opinions are still awful but heā€™s been better since he got back.

he and goofy had an exchange that promised to lead somewhere interesting, I forget what it was.

I say ignore and stfu. the forum needs some dissent, whether itā€™s the most considered or not

I agree as far as Inso0 and probably Triceratops and certainly some others who often disagree with most posters. And Iā€™d feel the same about Trump supporters or Evangelical Christians or w/e. But, and imo, anachro is mostly fucking with the site purely for the sake of fucking with us.

He is on my ignore list and not a big deal to me really. Iā€™ve said before that what bothers me more is that people from 2p2 come here to fuck with us and wonā€™t even admit who they are.

A separate issue though is whether or not and how mods can ban someone and I like the way this one happened. There was plenty of discussion, it sunk in for a while, vote is fairly clear, no one really wants to stick up for anachro (I think it would be a lot different if most people wanted to ban someone who had some real supporters), and yet itā€™s not a massive debate about procedure. Good precedent.

And heā€™s not dissent. What are his politics anyway? I havenā€™t read his posts for a while, but isnā€™t he like a regular Democrat? Itā€™s not dissent.

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ahh well. I was talking about triceratops, but you guys do what you feel is best, I guess.

Have enough trouble knowing what my own politics are lol

I just donā€™t like seeing anyone bannedā€¦ peeps can change, situations fluid

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