
What a pair of absolute ■■■■■■

Jal, you’re really not helping here.

I’m pretty sure I’ve read everything, but I might have missed something either literally in jumping back and forth quoting a post, replying, and scrolling back up… or just failed to comprehend something I read.


So with three flags it still isn’t hidden. 1 + 5 is me with TL 5 I guess as an admin, jal is 1 + 3 + a bonus 1.3 for user accuracy, dodger is 1 + 4 as TL4 for modding Sports

Now at 4 flags it’s score is high enough that it should be hidden but I don’t think it is yet

Current tally


Anyway, a perma for a first offense seems too harsh for me, and I can’t stand the dude’s posting. Cuse is getting a bit too wound up about this (which was probably his goal). People need to stop needling Cuse. I have spoken.


Looks reasonable to me.

Wow, all along I was assuming hidden posts were hidden by flagging but this makes it seem like it would take 3-4 posters and almost all the hidden posts have been manually done by mods.


Then that seems fine I guess. Maybe there should be some way of seeing as a user whether a post was hidden because a mod agreed with a flag and hid it, or whether it was hidden because of an accumulation of flags.

Like when you get a PM it could say “Your post was hidden because X users flagged it and a mod agreed,” or “Your post was hidden because X users flagged it and it exceeded the threshold for needing a mod to agree.”

I think that would have made jmakin and I react quite differently.

I also think if mods are taking action on a post they should consider hiding part of it (if it’s not possible it would be a good improvement) or deleting part of it, or the user should have an option to modify it and resubmit it. But that creates more work for mods that I’m not willing to do myself, so, grain of salt I guess.

As for your post not getting hidden, maybe a TL5 can’t get a post hidden?

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Seems a little fishy that someone is going to get banned because the person who did the same thing they did bitched about them in the mod thread. If you want to stop those kind of attacks stop those kind of attacks, don’t reward it.

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I’m too busy to keep up, but you motherfuckers better not drive off dodgerirish again.


You’re seriously going to equate what I said with what churchill said? Seriously?

come one, that’s not a fair equivalence

What is user accuracy? When do we get the top to bottom rankings on that from jmakin?

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Didn’t even know trust level was a thing.

It’s basically how often the moderators agree with your flags.

What made it different? Was your language less offensive? Where you more polite? If it’s just one attack was against someone you like and one wasn’t, then fuck yes I’m calling them the same thing.

If you want a polite society, be polite.

So if you never flag posts, then you can’t really be trusted?


Have you read the posts in question?

I took my cat to the vet the other day. She said, “I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do. It’s the big C.”

Flabbergasted, I asked, “What, cancer?”

She said, “No, curiosity.”