Fun Poster Data

Risky, Smacc, beetlejuice

Can confirm Smacc, Trolly, kre8tive, Johnny, Marksman, suzzer, and cuse are among my fave posters. The stats don’t lie!


I can’t believe nobody liked my 500 posts panicking about a coup.


Probably worried about leaving a trail here after they’ve nuked their accounts post-coup.


Wow the election was a great success, Biden won and I got my ratio >1 heart/post for two weeks in a row.


You also lead the league in surprise likes. I always get the random mjiggy heart from a 6 day old post. It’s like finding a curly fry in your regular order, always exciting.


Atta boy.

1 Like

If you rarely use memes, you have to be sure that they’re funny when you do.

1 Like

Talk about putting all of your memes in one basket

I had 69 likes this week, hehe

Username              Total Likes
Riverman               812
cuserounder            807
RiskyFlush             531
suzzer99               392
Danspartan             371
PocketChads            346
WichitaDM              318
Fatboy8                259
JohnnyTruant           256
Trolly                 228
beetlejuice            225
StimAbuser             209
ChrisV                 208
mosdef                 205
MattyLice              200
boredsocial            199
goofyballer            191
smrk4                  188
DrJenniferMelfi        179
CaffeineNeeded         173
Coasterbrad            166
6ix                    164
imjosh                 156
clovis8                154
TheDuker               151
tabbaker               149
jman220                144
eyebooger              143
Jbro                   141
ggoreo                 140
SenorKeeed             139
wirelessgrinder        135
dlk9s                  130
Yuv                    128
LFS                    124
mukdukaluk             121
MasterofthePwn         116
Chuckleslovakian       115
MysteryConman          114
MimosaDef              108
Devil                  105
zikzak                 103
superuberbob           101
realDonaldTrump        100
Smacc_25               100
oneeyedtripping        100
NotBruceZ              100
TheHip41                96
champ                   96
marty                   95
Aofrantic               95
Tilted                  92
AOC                     87
DodgerIrish             87
microbet                86
ParlaySlow              85
simplicitus             85
VoteForSocialists       78
MrWookie                78
Rugby                   76
CanadaMatt3004          74
Vict0ar                 70
jalfrezi                70
Nicholasp27             69
jmakin                  69
skydiver8               69
ViridianDreams          68
grue                    65
catfacemeowmers         65
Rexx                    64
feedthabeast            63
Bigoldnit               62
Kep                     60
pyatnitski              60
GrittyNHL               59
prana                   59
kre8tive                58
StrontiumDog            56
MichaelDavis            56
All-InFlynn             55
pvn                     54
nonfiction              50
AllTheCheese            48
Lawnmower_Man           47
fidgetUK                46
Nononocantsleep         45
00cooler00              45
jwax13                  43
SweetSummerChild        43
Rivaldo                 42
tomrh3                  42
Nozetradamus            41
WAR                     39
amead                   38
otatop                  37
LouisCyphre             37
Tych                    34
iron81                  34
MaxCut                  33
DUCY                    33
wheatrich               33
JordanIB                32
Marksman                31
Mr_Unstoppable          30
meb                     30
seities                 29
Chippa58                29
hey_you                 28
cassette                28
Melkerson               27
PaulMcSwizzle           26
Goebs80                 26
DrChesspain             25
monetary_expert         25
TrueNorth32             25
Sean                    24
Boardgamer              24
olink                   23
bobman0330              23
klingbard               23
SirOsis                 22
von_Internet            21
ripdog                  21
Preet_Bharara           21
Twadds                  21
Crunchyblack            21
Hired_Goons             20
Will1530                20
Surf                    19
m_reed05                18
mjiggy                  18
SensiblePerson          18
geewhysee               18
dbvm                    17
nobody                  17
hokie                   17
MonsterJMcGee           16
Huehuecoyotl            16
GermanGuy               16
econophile              14
joltinjake              14
CS04                    14
jerry                   14
NhlNut                  14
Ikioi                   14
TheNewT50               13
JonnyA                  13
hemstock                13
ChipsAhoy               12
darksideofthewall       12
Thin_Slicing            11
Galerider               11
churchill               10
R.C                      9
outdrawed                9
ElSapo                   9
Deuce                    9
Krayz                    9
ThisGuy                  9
Cornboy                  8
JackBando                8
atrupar                  8
sriracha                 8
EmpireMan                7
Joog                     7
Superleeds               7
kerowo                   6
King_of_NY               6
bigt2k4                  6
PapaSmurf                6
Mendoza                  6
Supwithbates             6
Bobnewton                5
gman42                   5
zarapochka               5
SwankyWilder             5
la2sb91                  5
Watevs                   4
BillHaywood              4
SPIFF                    4
TJ_Eckleburg12           4
zimmer4141               4
d2_e4                    4
TimBuktuuf               4
alex                     3
corvette24               3
eeAWW                    3
anon92450360             3
FuncrusherPlus           3
SvenO                    3
Psithurism               3
Pauwl                    3
marmot                   3
d10                      2
dogsballs                2
rockfsh                  2
TrollyWantACracker       2
runout                   2
LodenPants               2
LetsGambool2             2
baddis                   2
IrishRunner              2
UNCLECLIMAX              2
spidercrab               2
ddale8                   1
JimHammer                1
Koss                     1
fluff                    1
Espen_Sjovoll            1
KSR                      1
MCG                      1
Theorangone              1
Urasofty                 1
Dutch101                 1
Tiptopdaddy              1
DudeImBetter             1
Fossilkid93              1
David_Sklansky           1
mousemat                 1
suzzers_ghost            1
goofball                 1
EpicWestern              1
Cactus                   1
LongtimeLurker           1
Formula72                1


Username                    Likes/Post      Posts
TheDuker                       5.593         27
Nononocantsleep                4.500         10
Coasterbrad                    4.486         37
ViridianDreams                 4.250         16
fidgetUK                       4.182         11
Nozetradamus                   4.100         10
6ix                            3.905         42
MimosaDef                      3.857         28
tomrh3                         3.818         11
otatop                         3.700         10
pvn                            3.600         15
Fatboy8                        3.500         74
kre8tive                       3.412         17
smrk4                          3.241         58
Tilted                         3.172         29
Rugby                          3.167         24
beetlejuice                    3.125         72
catfacemeowmers                3.095         21
All-InFlynn                    3.056         18
MysteryConman                  3.000         38
Devil                          3.000         35
Riverman                       2.839        286
skydiver8                      2.760         25
amead                          2.714         14
zikzak                         2.711         38
Danspartan                     2.669        139
simplicitus                    2.656         32
ChrisV                         2.633         79
grue                           2.600         25
TheHip41                       2.595         37
LFS                            2.583         48
dlk9s                          2.549         51
DrChesspain                    2.500         10
Bigoldnit                      2.480         25
CaffeineNeeded                 2.471         70
JohnnyTruant                   2.415        106
Marksman                       2.385         13
MaxCut                         2.357         14
LouisCyphre                    2.312         16
PocketChads                    2.261        153
imjosh                         2.197         71
suzzer99                       2.190        179
jman220                        2.182         66
champ                          2.182         44
goofyballer                    2.170         88
tabbaker                       2.159         69
Rexx                           2.133         30
Crunchyblack                   2.100         10
AOC                            2.071         42
Kep                            2.069         29
mosdef                         2.030        101
StimAbuser                     2.029        103
AllTheCheese                   2.000         24
JordanIB                       2.000         16
jmakin                         1.971         35
00cooler00                     1.957         23
pyatnitski                     1.935         31
RiskyFlush                     1.924        276
TrueNorth32                    1.923         13
eyebooger                      1.907         75
wirelessgrinder                1.901         71
Chuckleslovakian               1.885         61
WichitaDM                      1.871        170
oneeyedtripping                1.852         54
DUCY                           1.833         18
Smacc_25                       1.818         55
Yuv                            1.803         71
MrWookie                       1.773         44
ParlaySlow                     1.771         48
MattyLice                      1.754        114
cuserounder                    1.751        461
Nicholasp27                    1.725         40
dbvm                           1.700         10
marty                          1.638         58
Lawnmower_Man                  1.621         29
Rivaldo                        1.615         26
MichaelDavis                   1.600         35
feedthabeast                   1.575         40
prana                          1.553         38
Trolly                         1.551        147
PaulMcSwizzle                  1.529         17
mjiggy                         1.500         12
mukdukaluk                     1.476         82
cassette                       1.474         19
Aofrantic                      1.439         66
SenorKeeed                     1.418         98
Jbro                           1.396        101
monetary_expert                1.389         18
m_reed05                       1.385         13
olink                          1.353         17
nonfiction                     1.351         37
ggoreo                         1.333        105
meb                            1.304         23
clovis8                        1.252        123
hey_you                        1.217         23
DodgerIrish                    1.208         72
TheNewT50                      1.182         11
Tych                           1.172         29
iron81                         1.172         29
DrJenniferMelfi                1.155        155
bobman0330                     1.150         20
jalfrezi                       1.148         61
jwax13                         1.132         38
SensiblePerson                 1.125         16
boredsocial                    1.093        182
NhlNut                         1.077         13
MasterofthePwn                 1.074        108
Chippa58                       1.074         27
NotBruceZ                      1.042         96
Vict0ar                        1.014         69
microbet                       1.000         86
CanadaMatt3004                 1.000         74
VoteForSocialists              0.963         81
econophile                     0.933         15
Sean                           0.923         26
Hired_Goons                    0.833         24
superuberbob                   0.821        123
Goebs80                        0.812         32
Cornboy                        0.800         10
Surf                           0.792         24
JonnyA                         0.722         18
WAR                            0.709         55
Superleeds                     0.700         10
Krayz                          0.692         13
realDonaldTrump                0.667        150
R.C                            0.643         14
nobody                         0.607         28
wheatrich                      0.524         63
kerowo                         0.500         12
Melkerson                      0.443         61
zarapochka                     0.312         16
churchill                      0.238         42
SvenO                          0.167         18
Cactus                         0.071         14
atrupar                        0.034        234
ddale8                         0.016         63


Username                   Likes/Post      Posts
00cooler00                     1.957         23
6ix                            3.905         42
All-InFlynn                    3.056         18
AllTheCheese                   2.000         24
amead                          2.714         14
AOC                            2.071         42
Aofrantic                      1.439         66
atrupar                        0.034        234
beetlejuice                    3.125         72
Bigoldnit                      2.480         25
bobman0330                     1.150         20
boredsocial                    1.093        182
Cactus                         0.071         14
CaffeineNeeded                 2.471         70
CanadaMatt3004                 1.000         74
cassette                       1.474         19
catfacemeowmers                3.095         21
champ                          2.182         44
Chippa58                       1.074         27
ChrisV                         2.633         79
Chuckleslovakian               1.885         61
churchill                      0.238         42
clovis8                        1.252        123
Coasterbrad                    4.486         37
Cornboy                        0.800         10
Crunchyblack                   2.100         10
cuserounder                    1.751        461
Danspartan                     2.669        139
dbvm                           1.700         10
ddale8                         0.016         63
Devil                          3.000         35
dlk9s                          2.549         51
DodgerIrish                    1.208         72
DrChesspain                    2.500         10
DrJenniferMelfi                1.155        155
DUCY                           1.833         18
econophile                     0.933         15
eyebooger                      1.907         75
Fatboy8                        3.500         74
feedthabeast                   1.575         40
fidgetUK                       4.182         11
ggoreo                         1.333        105
Goebs80                        0.812         32
goofyballer                    2.170         88
grue                           2.600         25
hey_you                        1.217         23
Hired_Goons                    0.833         24
imjosh                         2.197         71
iron81                         1.172         29
jalfrezi                       1.148         61
Jbro                           1.396        101
jmakin                         1.971         35
jman220                        2.182         66
JohnnyTruant                   2.415        106
JonnyA                         0.722         18
JordanIB                       2.000         16
jwax13                         1.132         38
Kep                            2.069         29
kerowo                         0.500         12
Krayz                          0.692         13
kre8tive                       3.412         17
Lawnmower_Man                  1.621         29
LFS                            2.583         48
LouisCyphre                    2.312         16
m_reed05                       1.385         13
Marksman                       2.385         13
marty                          1.638         58
MasterofthePwn                 1.074        108
MattyLice                      1.754        114
MaxCut                         2.357         14
meb                            1.304         23
Melkerson                      0.443         61
MichaelDavis                   1.600         35
microbet                       1.000         86
MimosaDef                      3.857         28
mjiggy                         1.500         12
monetary_expert                1.389         18
mosdef                         2.030        101
MrWookie                       1.773         44
mukdukaluk                     1.476         82
MysteryConman                  3.000         38
NhlNut                         1.077         13
Nicholasp27                    1.725         40
nobody                         0.607         28
nonfiction                     1.351         37
Nononocantsleep                4.500         10
NotBruceZ                      1.042         96
Nozetradamus                   4.100         10
olink                          1.353         17
oneeyedtripping                1.852         54
otatop                         3.700         10
ParlaySlow                     1.771         48
PaulMcSwizzle                  1.529         17
PocketChads                    2.261        153
prana                          1.553         38
pvn                            3.600         15
pyatnitski                     1.935         31
R.C                            0.643         14
realDonaldTrump                0.667        150
Rexx                           2.133         30
RiskyFlush                     1.924        276
Rivaldo                        1.615         26
Riverman                       2.839        286
Rugby                          3.167         24
Sean                           0.923         26
SenorKeeed                     1.418         98
SensiblePerson                 1.125         16
simplicitus                    2.656         32
skydiver8                      2.760         25
Smacc_25                       1.818         55
smrk4                          3.241         58
StimAbuser                     2.029        103
Superleeds                     0.700         10
superuberbob                   0.821        123
Surf                           0.792         24
suzzer99                       2.190        179
SvenO                          0.167         18
tabbaker                       2.159         69
TheDuker                       5.593         27
TheHip41                       2.595         37
TheNewT50                      1.182         11
Tilted                         3.172         29
tomrh3                         3.818         11
Trolly                         1.551        147
TrueNorth32                    1.923         13
Tych                           1.172         29
Vict0ar                        1.014         69
ViridianDreams                 4.250         16
VoteForSocialists              0.963         81
WAR                            0.709         55
wheatrich                      0.524         63
WichitaDM                      1.871        170
wirelessgrinder                1.901         71
Yuv                            1.803         71
zarapochka                     0.312         16
zikzak                         2.711         38


1 Like
Username            Total Likes
cuserounder            723
Riverman               583
Danspartan             484
RiskyFlush             423
microbet               412
Trolly                 306
WichitaDM              299
ggoreo                 290
zikzak                 218
beetlejuice            216
suzzer99               216
JohnnyTruant           211
PocketChads            210
MattyLice              190
skydiver8              189
imjosh                 185
ChrisV                 181
boredsocial            181
goofyballer            179
jman220                179
Yuv                    164
eyebooger              158
marty                  157
Jbro                   153
mosdef                 152
SenorKeeed             150
oneeyedtripping        145
CaffeineNeeded         144
jalfrezi               143
MysteryConman          140
prana                  140
m_reed05               138
Coasterbrad            137
clovis8                135
StimAbuser             121
tabbaker               118
Rugby                  116
pvn                    114
LFS                    110
Smacc_25               105
Rexx                   103
AllTheCheese           102
smrk4                  102
grue                    98
superuberbob            97
NotBruceZ               92
wheatrich               92
Devil                   87
jwax13                  87
Fatboy8                 86
ViridianDreams          85
dlk9s                   83
Goebs80                 82
geewhysee               81
DodgerIrish             79
Tych                    77
catfacemeowmers         77
wirelessgrinder         76
AOC                     73
Nicholasp27             69
cassette                68
VoteForSocialists       67
kerowo                  63
CanadaMatt3004          62
mukdukaluk              62
Chuckleslovakian        61
Melkerson               61
poopypants              61
Rivaldo                 61
Vict0ar                 58
jmakin                  57
kre8tive                57
DrJenniferMelfi         56
DUCY                    54
pyatnitski              54
Kep                     52
realDonaldTrump         51
champ                   51
Tilted                  47
Watevs                  47
MrWookie                45
hey_you                 44
TheDuker                44
Thin_Slicing            44
TheHip41                43
SensiblePerson          43
dbvm                    42
Aofrantic               42
6ix                     41
Bigoldnit               40
SweetSummerChild        37
sriracha                37
MCG                     37
DrChesspain             35
ElSapo                  34
olink                   33
Lawnmower_Man           33
MasterofthePwn          33
TrueNorth32             31
MichaelDavis            29
d2_e4                   28
econophile              28
zarapochka              28
ParlaySlow              27
TheNewT50               27
nonfiction              26
spidercrab              25
FuncrusherPlus          25
monetary_expert         25
Crunchyblack            24
MimosaDef               24
JordanIB                23
jerry                   23
Will1530                22
ThisGuy                 22
Joog                    22
JonnyA                  21
R.C                     21
00cooler00              21
Twist                   20
LouisCyphre             20
Theorangone             19
meb                     18
iron81                  18
StrontiumDog            18
Krayz                   17
nobody                  16
Hired_Goons             16
GermanGuy               16
ripdog                  15
d10                     15
NhlNut                  15
WAR                     15
mousemat                15
Mr_Unstoppable          14
Chippa58                14
tomrh3                  14
hemstock                14
Supwithbates            13
runout                  13
churchill               13
Surf                    13
GrittyNHL               12
simplicitus             12
Deuce                   12
eeAWW                   12
otatop                  12
Marksman                11
Sean                    11
TJ_Eckleburg12          11
PaulMcSwizzle           11
King_of_NY              10
Ikioi                   10
LodenPants              10
Fossilkid93             10
JimHammer               10
atrupar                 10
mjiggy                  10
Nozetradamus            10
EpicWestern              9
Quartermaster            9
MaxCut                   8
sumey                    8
BestOf                   8
MakeHaste                8
Uethym                   8
amead                    8
Nononocantsleep          8
von_Internet             7
goofball                 7
alex                     7
Psithurism               7
bobman0330               7
Meraxes                  7
wiper                    7
Dutch101                 6
Slighted                 6
zimmer4141               6
rockfsh                  6
Huehuecoyotl             6
All-InFlynn              5
baddis                   5
gman42                   5
MonsterJMcGee            5
TonePolice               5
UNCLECLIMAX              5
klingbard                5
breakin                  4
SvenO                    4
RegretS                  4
feedthabeast             4
Pauwl                    4
Bobnewton                3
Sogge                    3
Spinetta                 3
Superleeds               3
Boardgamer               3
dogsballs                3
MikeLikesOrgies          3
Habsfan09                3
Soulman                  2
Galerider                2
goreo                    2
darksideofthewall        2
edc5036                  2
cilldroichid             2
outdrawed                1
seities                  1
hokie                    1
jhall23                  1
Twadds                   1
Preet_Bharara            1
LetsGambool2             1
Cornboy                  1
Dunkman                  1
JackBando                1
Incorporeal              1
corvette24               1
Formula72                1
SwankyWilder             1
la2sb91                  1
marmot                   1
SPIFF                    1
Username               Likes/Post      Posts
m_reed05                       7.667         18
Rugby                          7.250         16
AllTheCheese                   5.667         18
Tych                           5.500         14
geewhysee                      5.062         16
MysteryConman                  5.000         28
skydiver8                      4.500         42
Kep                            4.333         12
JohnnyTruant                   4.306         49
Watevs                         4.273         11
Coasterbrad                    4.029         34
kre8tive                       3.562         16
catfacemeowmers                3.500         22
LFS                            3.438         32
ElSapo                         3.400         10
pvn                            3.353         34
TheDuker                       3.143         14
TheHip41                       3.071         14
imjosh                         3.033         61
grue                           2.970         33
oneeyedtripping                2.843         51
eyebooger                      2.821         56
Fatboy8                        2.774         31
Danspartan                     2.674        181
CaffeineNeeded                 2.667         54
FuncrusherPlus                 2.500         10
TheNewT50                      2.455         11
zikzak                         2.396         91
Rexx                           2.395         43
goofyballer                    2.325         77
jman220                        2.325         77
Riverman                       2.323        251
beetlejuice                    2.298         94
jwax13                         2.289         38
Jbro                           2.284         67
MimosaDef                      2.182         11
econophile                     2.154         13
WichitaDM                      2.151        139
Vict0ar                        2.148         27
microbet                       2.091        197
MrWookie                       2.045         22
Trolly                         1.925        159
ChrisV                         1.885         96
Tilted                         1.880         25
nonfiction                     1.857         14
mosdef                         1.831         83
Bigoldnit                      1.818         22
ViridianDreams                 1.771         48
prana                          1.750         80
DrChesspain                    1.750         20
00cooler00                     1.750         12
dlk9s                          1.729         48
MattyLice                      1.727        110
TrueNorth32                    1.722         18
Devil                          1.673         52
smrk4                          1.672         61
jerry                          1.643         14
StrontiumDog                   1.636         11
hey_you                        1.571         28
olink                          1.571         21
PocketChads                    1.567        134
superuberbob                   1.565         62
SensiblePerson                 1.536         28
AOC                            1.521         48
cassette                       1.478         46
cuserounder                    1.473        491
Thin_Slicing                   1.467         30
Nicholasp27                    1.438         48
StimAbuser                     1.424         85
ggoreo                         1.401        207
tomrh3                         1.400         10
jmakin                         1.390         41
DUCY                           1.385         39
kerowo                         1.370         46
Chuckleslovakian               1.356         45
RiskyFlush                     1.351        313
pyatnitski                     1.317         41
R.C                            1.312         16
wirelessgrinder                1.288         59
boredsocial                    1.284        141
JordanIB                       1.278         18
Theorangone                    1.267         15
Smacc_25                       1.265         83
MichaelDavis                   1.261         23
marty                          1.246        126
Hired_Goons                    1.231         13
CanadaMatt3004                 1.170         53
clovis8                        1.144        118
VoteForSocialists              1.136         59
Yuv                            1.131        145
ParlaySlow                     1.125         24
Goebs80                        1.079         76
6ix                            1.079         38
LouisCyphre                    1.053         19
SenorKeeed                     1.000        150
Ikioi                          1.000         10
Rivaldo                        0.968         63
Aofrantic                      0.955         44
suzzer99                       0.923        234
eeAWW                          0.923         13
JonnyA                         0.913         23
wheatrich                      0.829        111
MasterofthePwn                 0.825         40
tabbaker                       0.819        144
NotBruceZ                      0.807        114
mukdukaluk                     0.785         79
d2_e4                          0.700         40
iron81                         0.692         26
mjiggy                         0.667         15
DrJenniferMelfi                0.644         87
zarapochka                     0.636         44
DodgerIrish                    0.617        128
Lawnmower_Man                  0.611         54
rockfsh                        0.600         10
sumey                          0.571         14
realDonaldTrump                0.505        101
MaxCut                         0.500         16
bobman0330                     0.500         14
jalfrezi                       0.490        292
nobody                         0.471         34
Marksman                       0.458         24
NhlNut                         0.455         33
Melkerson                      0.452        135
churchill                      0.448         29
breakin                        0.364         11
SvenO                          0.364         11
Sean                           0.355         31
WAR                            0.333         45
atrupar                        0.068        148


Username                       Likes/Post      Posts
00cooler00                     1.750         12
6ix                            1.079         38
AllTheCheese                   5.667         18
AOC                            1.521         48
Aofrantic                      0.955         44
atrupar                        0.068        148
beetlejuice                    2.298         94
Bigoldnit                      1.818         22
bobman0330                     0.500         14
boredsocial                    1.284        141
breakin                        0.364         11
CaffeineNeeded                 2.667         54
CanadaMatt3004                 1.170         53
cassette                       1.478         46
catfacemeowmers                3.500         22
ChrisV                         1.885         96
Chuckleslovakian               1.356         45
churchill                      0.448         29
clovis8                        1.144        118
Coasterbrad                    4.029         34
cuserounder                    1.473        491
d2_e4                          0.700         40
Danspartan                     2.674        181
Devil                          1.673         52
dlk9s                          1.729         48
DodgerIrish                    0.617        128
DrChesspain                    1.750         20
DrJenniferMelfi                0.644         87
DUCY                           1.385         39
econophile                     2.154         13
eeAWW                          0.923         13
ElSapo                         3.400         10
eyebooger                      2.821         56
Fatboy8                        2.774         31
FuncrusherPlus                 2.500         10
geewhysee                      5.062         16
ggoreo                         1.401        207
Goebs80                        1.079         76
goofyballer                    2.325         77
grue                           2.970         33
hey_you                        1.571         28
Hired_Goons                    1.231         13
Ikioi                          1.000         10
imjosh                         3.033         61
iron81                         0.692         26
jalfrezi                       0.490        292
Jbro                           2.284         67
jerry                          1.643         14
jmakin                         1.390         41
jman220                        2.325         77
JohnnyTruant                   4.306         49
JonnyA                         0.913         23
JordanIB                       1.278         18
jwax13                         2.289         38
Kep                            4.333         12
kerowo                         1.370         46
kre8tive                       3.562         16
Lawnmower_Man                  0.611         54
LFS                            3.438         32
LouisCyphre                    1.053         19
m_reed05                       7.667         18
Marksman                       0.458         24
marty                          1.246        126
MasterofthePwn                 0.825         40
MattyLice                      1.727        110
MaxCut                         0.500         16
Melkerson                      0.452        135
MichaelDavis                   1.261         23
microbet                       2.091        197
MimosaDef                      2.182         11
mjiggy                         0.667         15
mosdef                         1.831         83
MrWookie                       2.045         22
mukdukaluk                     0.785         79
MysteryConman                  5.000         28
NhlNut                         0.455         33
Nicholasp27                    1.438         48
nobody                         0.471         34
nonfiction                     1.857         14
NotBruceZ                      0.807        114
olink                          1.571         21
oneeyedtripping                2.843         51
ParlaySlow                     1.125         24
PocketChads                    1.567        134
prana                          1.750         80
pvn                            3.353         34
pyatnitski                     1.317         41
R.C                            1.312         16
realDonaldTrump                0.505        101
Rexx                           2.395         43
RiskyFlush                     1.351        313
Rivaldo                        0.968         63
Riverman                       2.323        251
rockfsh                        0.600         10
Rugby                          7.250         16
Sean                           0.355         31
SenorKeeed                     1.000        150
SensiblePerson                 1.536         28
skydiver8                      4.500         42
Smacc_25                       1.265         83
smrk4                          1.672         61
StimAbuser                     1.424         85
StrontiumDog                   1.636         11
sumey                          0.571         14
superuberbob                   1.565         62
suzzer99                       0.923        234
SvenO                          0.364         11
tabbaker                       0.819        144
TheDuker                       3.143         14
TheHip41                       3.071         14
TheNewT50                      2.455         11
Theorangone                    1.267         15
Thin_Slicing                   1.467         30
Tilted                         1.880         25
tomrh3                         1.400         10
Trolly                         1.925        159
TrueNorth32                    1.722         18
Tych                           5.500         14
Vict0ar                        2.148         27
ViridianDreams                 1.771         48
VoteForSocialists              1.136         59
WAR                            0.333         45
Watevs                         4.273         11
wheatrich                      0.829        111
WichitaDM                      2.151        139
wirelessgrinder                1.288         59
Yuv                            1.131        145
zarapochka                     0.636         44
zikzak                         2.396         91

All it takes to make it to the top of likes/post is to have a kid and make a couple posts about it.


Or covid


My mink has covid, heart this


Top 2! Low volume and a couple of strong performers…

Almost broke into top 10 this week!

Total likes:

Username              Total Likes
Riverman               532
WichitaDM              462
RiskyFlush             414
suzzer99               324
microbet               275
Danspartan             248
Jbro                   233
goofyballer            232
beetlejuice            222
ggoreo                 220
Trolly                 200
JohnnyTruant           195
MrWookie               176
clovis8                164
Devil                  161
NotBruceZ              160
Goebs80                160
zikzak                 159
Rexx                   155
ChrisV                 153
commonWealth           151
jalfrezi               140
MattyLice              136
SenorKeeed             135
mosdef                 135
pvn                    131
jmakin                 130
imjosh                 126
PocketChads            125
wheatrich              124
jman220                123
eyebooger              118
MysteryConman          118
StimAbuser             106
marty                  101
oneeyedtripping        101
spidercrab              95
dlk9s                   95
TheDuker                93
Bryce                   93
boredsocial             92
Coasterbrad             90
CaffeineNeeded          90
smrk4                   87
Tilted                  87
DrJenniferMelfi         86
AOC                     82
skydiver8               80
wirelessgrinder         75
ViridianDreams          75
Melkerson               73
StrontiumDog            71
prana                   71
tabbaker                69
pyatnitski              68
amead                   68
JimHammer               68
grue                    67
cassette                67
geewhysee               65
Nicholasp27             62
Fatboy8                 62
realDonaldTrump         58
meb                     58
Smacc_25                57
LKJ                     57
nobody                  56
catfacemeowmers         55
Chuckleslovakian        54
seities                 53
SensiblePerson          51
Nononocantsleep         51
TheHip41                49
Kep                     49
Bigoldnit               43
otatop                  42
kre8tive                42
baddis                  41
Thin_Slicing            41
jwax13                  41
hey_you                 40
VoteForSocialists       40
MimosaDef               39
LFS                     38
zarapochka              38
Yuv                     37
CanadaMatt3004          36
R.C                     36
JonnyA                  35
TrueNorth32             33
simplicitus             32
LouisCyphre             31
Vict0ar                 31
mukdukaluk              31
MikeLikesOrgies         31
wiper                   30
zimmer4141              30
All-InFlynn             29
m_reed05                28
Mr_Unstoppable          27
Rivaldo                 27
superuberbob            26
d2_e4                   26
kerowo                  25
Crunchyblack            25
Rugby                   25
FuncrusherPlus          25
King_of_NY              24
MichaelDavis            24
Sean                    24
jerry                   23
MasterofthePwn          23
AllTheCheese            23
iron81                  23
Huehuecoyotl            23
churchill               22
Tych                    22
ElSapo                  21
outdrawed               21
6ix                     20
hokie                   19
bobman0330              19
ParlaySlow              19
EmpireMan               18
DrChesspain             18
Aofrantic               18
TheNewT50               18
Lawnmower_Man           17
Cornboy                 17
Will1530                17
Hired_Goons             17
00cooler00              16
sriracha                16
miliboo                 15
eeAWW                   15
dbvm                    15
SwankyWilder            14
MCG                     14
mjiggy                  13
GermanGuy               12
alex                    12
ripdog                  12
UNCLECLIMAX             12
d10                     11
DUCY                    11
Uethym                  11
MaxCut                  10
Fossilkid93             10
Chippa58                10
olink                   10
WAR                      9
rockfsh                  9
PapaSmurf                9
klingbard                9
Twist                    9
SvenO                    9
Krayz                    9
Dutch101                 8
NhlNut                   8
LodenPants               8
LongtimeLurker           8
Habsfan09                8
von_Internet             8
Surf                     8
champ                    7
TJ_Eckleburg12           6
tomrh3                   6
ChipsAhoy                6
poopypants               6
Watevs                   5
Preet_Bharara            5
hemstock                 5
ctyri                    5
LetsGambool2             5
DodgerIrish              4
Pauwl                    4
nonfiction               4
edc5036                  4
gman42                   3
Boardgamer               3
Ikioi                    3
Deuce                    3
monetary_expert          3
atrupar                  3
anon92450360             2
SPIFF                    2
feedthabeast             2
Sogge                    2
JordanIB                 2
ThisGuy                  2
MonsterJMcGee            2
Superleeds               2
Mendoza                  2
Canada                   2
Sabo                     2
jhall23                  2
Joog                     2
IrishRunner              1
Marksman                 1
hobbes9324               1
darksideofthewall        1
Nozetradamus             1
PaulMcSwizzle            1
VeryJosie                1
TrollyWantACracker       1
RegretS                  1
BestOf                   1
Galerider                1
Theorangone              1
KSR                      1
pueblo                   1
russonafarm              1
Bobnewton                1


Username                       Likes/Post      Posts
StrontiumDog                   5.462         13
TheDuker                       4.227         22
jwax13                         4.100         10
Rexx                           4.079         38
JohnnyTruant                   3.824         51
Fatboy8                        3.647         17
Coasterbrad                    3.600         25
MimosaDef                      3.545         11
ViridianDreams                 3.000         25
zikzak                         2.944         54
zimmer4141                     2.727         11
Kep                            2.722         18
jmakin                         2.708         48
meb                            2.636         22
otatop                         2.625         16
geewhysee                      2.600         25
pvn                            2.569         51
dlk9s                          2.568         37
amead                          2.519         27
Devil                          2.516         64
hey_you                        2.500         16
imjosh                         2.471         51
goofyballer                    2.343         99
TheHip41                       2.333         21
MysteryConman                  2.314         51
oneeyedtripping                2.244         45
eyebooger                      2.185         54
mosdef                         2.177         62
grue                           2.161         31
ChrisV                         2.125         72
Crunchyblack                   2.083         12
Riverman                       2.078        256
suzzer99                       2.077        156
LouisCyphre                    2.067         15
WichitaDM                      2.062        224
spidercrab                     2.021         47
Sean                           2.000         12
Tilted                         1.977         44
cassette                       1.971         34
skydiver8                      1.951         41
TrueNorth32                    1.941         17
prana                          1.919         37
simplicitus                    1.882         17
King_of_NY                     1.846         13
JonnyA                         1.842         19
Danspartan                     1.837        135
jerry                          1.769         13
MattyLice                      1.766         77
catfacemeowmers                1.719         32
AOC                            1.708         48
Bryce                          1.691         55
beetlejuice                    1.669        133
SensiblePerson                 1.645         31
Huehuecoyotl                   1.643         14
DrChesspain                    1.636         11
smrk4                          1.611         54
microbet                       1.599        172
Bigoldnit                      1.593         27
Chuckleslovakian               1.543         35
PocketChads                    1.524         82
Jbro                           1.513        154
Trolly                         1.504        133
Smacc_25                       1.500         38
DrJenniferMelfi                1.483         58
zarapochka                     1.462         26
All-InFlynn                    1.450         20
R.C                            1.440         25
Vict0ar                        1.409         22
CaffeineNeeded                 1.406         64
Rugby                          1.389         18
RiskyFlush                     1.385        299
MrWookie                       1.364        129
pyatnitski                     1.360         50
LFS                            1.357         28
ggoreo                         1.310        168
tabbaker                       1.302         53
Goebs80                        1.290        124
m_reed05                       1.273         22
Nicholasp27                    1.265         49
StimAbuser                     1.262         84
jalfrezi                       1.228        114
jman220                        1.206        102
Thin_Slicing                   1.171         35
nobody                         1.120         50
MasterofthePwn                 1.095         21
MichaelDavis                   1.091         22
wirelessgrinder                1.087         69
boredsocial                    1.070         86
TheNewT50                      1.059         17
bobman0330                     1.056         18
wheatrich                      1.025        121
marty                          1.000        101
alex                           1.000         12
Chippa58                       1.000         10
SenorKeeed                     0.993        136
Rivaldo                        0.964         28
d2_e4                          0.963         27
commonWealth                   0.915        165
Hired_Goons                    0.895         19
NotBruceZ                      0.851        188
CanadaMatt3004                 0.837         43
kerowo                         0.833         30
FuncrusherPlus                 0.833         30
clovis8                        0.766        214
Habsfan09                      0.727         11
Melkerson                      0.723        101
iron81                         0.719         32
Yuv                            0.698         53
NhlNut                         0.667         12
MikeLikesOrgies                0.660         47
superuberbob                   0.650         40
mjiggy                         0.619         21
Lawnmower_Man                  0.607         28
mukdukaluk                     0.596         52
DUCY                           0.579         19
churchill                      0.550         40
realDonaldTrump                0.547        106
Aofrantic                      0.545         33
VoteForSocialists              0.500         80
Pauwl                          0.400         10
nonfiction                     0.333         12
WAR                            0.243         37
atrupar                        0.015        201


Username                       Likes/Post      Posts
alex                           1.000         12
All-InFlynn                    1.450         20
amead                          2.519         27
AOC                            1.708         48
Aofrantic                      0.545         33
atrupar                        0.015        201
beetlejuice                    1.669        133
Bigoldnit                      1.593         27
bobman0330                     1.056         18
boredsocial                    1.070         86
Bryce                          1.691         55
CaffeineNeeded                 1.406         64
CanadaMatt3004                 0.837         43
cassette                       1.971         34
catfacemeowmers                1.719         32
Chippa58                       1.000         10
ChrisV                         2.125         72
Chuckleslovakian               1.543         35
churchill                      0.550         40
clovis8                        0.766        214
Coasterbrad                    3.600         25
commonWealth                   0.915        165
Crunchyblack                   2.083         12
d2_e4                          0.963         27
Danspartan                     1.837        135
Devil                          2.516         64
dlk9s                          2.568         37
DrChesspain                    1.636         11
DrJenniferMelfi                1.483         58
DUCY                           0.579         19
eyebooger                      2.185         54
Fatboy8                        3.647         17
FuncrusherPlus                 0.833         30
geewhysee                      2.600         25
ggoreo                         1.310        168
Goebs80                        1.290        124
goofyballer                    2.343         99
grue                           2.161         31
Habsfan09                      0.727         11
hey_you                        2.500         16
Hired_Goons                    0.895         19
Huehuecoyotl                   1.643         14
imjosh                         2.471         51
iron81                         0.719         32
jalfrezi                       1.228        114
Jbro                           1.513        154
jerry                          1.769         13
jmakin                         2.708         48
jman220                        1.206        102
JohnnyTruant                   3.824         51
JonnyA                         1.842         19
jwax13                         4.100         10
Kep                            2.722         18
kerowo                         0.833         30
King_of_NY                     1.846         13
Lawnmower_Man                  0.607         28
LFS                            1.357         28
LouisCyphre                    2.067         15
m_reed05                       1.273         22
marty                          1.000        101
MasterofthePwn                 1.095         21
MattyLice                      1.766         77
meb                            2.636         22
Melkerson                      0.723        101
MichaelDavis                   1.091         22
microbet                       1.599        172
MikeLikesOrgies                0.660         47
MimosaDef                      3.545         11
mjiggy                         0.619         21
mosdef                         2.177         62
MrWookie                       1.364        129
mukdukaluk                     0.596         52
MysteryConman                  2.314         51
NhlNut                         0.667         12
Nicholasp27                    1.265         49
nobody                         1.120         50
nonfiction                     0.333         12
NotBruceZ                      0.851        188
oneeyedtripping                2.244         45
otatop                         2.625         16
Pauwl                          0.400         10
PocketChads                    1.524         82
prana                          1.919         37
pvn                            2.569         51
pyatnitski                     1.360         50
R.C                            1.440         25
realDonaldTrump                0.547        106
Rexx                           4.079         38
RiskyFlush                     1.385        299
Rivaldo                        0.964         28
Riverman                       2.078        256
Rugby                          1.389         18
Sean                           2.000         12
SenorKeeed                     0.993        136
SensiblePerson                 1.645         31
simplicitus                    1.882         17
skydiver8                      1.951         41
Smacc_25                       1.500         38
smrk4                          1.611         54
spidercrab                     2.021         47
StimAbuser                     1.262         84
StrontiumDog                   5.462         13
superuberbob                   0.650         40
suzzer99                       2.077        156
tabbaker                       1.302         53
TheDuker                       4.227         22
TheHip41                       2.333         21
TheNewT50                      1.059         17
Thin_Slicing                   1.171         35
Tilted                         1.977         44
Trolly                         1.504        133
TrueNorth32                    1.941         17
Vict0ar                        1.409         22
ViridianDreams                 3.000         25
VoteForSocialists              0.500         80
WAR                            0.243         37
wheatrich                      1.025        121
WichitaDM                      2.062        224
wirelessgrinder                1.087         69
Yuv                            0.698         53
zarapochka                     1.462         26
zikzak                         2.944         54
zimmer4141                     2.727         11
1 Like

I turned off like notifications weeks ago, so FYI seeing I got top three likes last week is the biggest dopamine rush of my life.

JK the likes matter less to me by the day and I am glad to find freedom from such a silly addiction.


Even though he doesn’t show up because of volume, @LKJ absolutely crushing likes/post.

I beat Johnny!! Woo Hoo!


We had almost twice as many likes today as yesterday (with the day only 2/3rds over with). Lots of love going around!