
Trying to understand your position here. I looked back at the convo:

Superbob: churchill is a troll who’s life and country are pathetic. (These are insults)

Churchill: you’re more pathetic than me, and here’s why: [paraphrasing] nanny nanny boo boo, your mom doesn’t love you and you smell like the zoo. (these are insults too)

Cuse: Fuck you, piece of shit, worst poster, dumbest poster. No redeemable qualities. Fuck off. (these are also insults)

Cuse[runs to mod thread]: Perma ban that poster who responded to insults with insults!

also Cuse: Why is my post full of insults flagged?


Yes exactly.

cuse should also be banned for a day, but we all know he won’t be because he has his own clique and churchill doesn’t.

Your paraphrasing of churchill’s insults really miss the point though. You smell like a zoo implies they were generic, whereas they were about personal things that were shared with the community. If we want a community where people are open to share sensitive things about their lives, insults that attack posters for those things should be a line that we don’t let be crossed.


All insults are the same huh? Also, we might consider:

Bob: Rarely insults anyone, hmm I wonder why he did it here? Insults are like a 3/10.

Churchill: Consistently bad poster who creates a lot of derails/back and forths/insults. Insults are like a 17/10.

Me: Asshole who often insults people he thinks are out of line. Insults are like a 9/10.

You: All of them are the same!

Yup there’s a reason I butted in and went axe handle deep on this one, and it’s not just that I’m an asshole who doesn’t like churchill.

For fuck’s sake, did you read the posts in question?

The reason is because you don’t like his posts, in which case the remedy isn’t to ban him from the site but for one person, you, to put him on ignore.

You should learn to be more objective and less megalomaniacal.

I like how mine were basically paraphrased accurately and churchill’s got boiled down to nanny nanny boo boo, despite the fact that his post was a series of absurdly out of line personal attacks on various aspects of another reg’s real life.

I’m probably at the bottom since my flags just get laughed at and mocked.


The reason is the offensive slew of personal attacks he unleashed on someone who deserved nowhere near that. It was literally the most offensive attack I’ve ever seen on this site toward another user.

You’ve been stalking my posts taking shots at me for four months without me instigating you. Don’t lecture me on the ignore feature.

I’ll say the same thing I said months ago in this very thread. Personal insults should not be allowed. Insulting someone’s posting should be within reason. There is a big difference between telling someone their post sucks and telling them they are an impotent fat loser who fucks their aunt and sister. It’s even worse when you bring in personal details that people have shared with the community especially when it is mocking someone’s mental health issues that they have shared or something like that.

Habitual offenders should go through a series of warnings that eventually lead to bans.


Then a huge LOL at the false equivalence.

And a huge eyeroll. Let’s head to the fainting couches once again because I said “for fuck’s sake.”

I told you before, if the site still made any kind of fluent sense after putting an ultra-high volume poster like you on ignore I’d have done it years ago.


You’re liking a post that’s implicitly calling for you to be warned/banned.

Well I’m sorry my presence here makes your experience so pained. I guess you’ll just have to continue trying to poke and prod me into flying off the handle and getting banned or leaving.

You’re now stalking my likes? lol

Pretty sure he’s not calling for me to be banned, but I like his post either way, he made good points.

I just have no idea how he knew about the aunt and sister thing. :laughing:


Nope I saw what’s been posted in this thread. If you didn’t know the target of both posts would you treat both poster the same?

Haha you’re absurd.

  1. A poster who cuse doesn’t like oversteps the mark.

  2. cuse uses it as an excuse to call for him to be banned.

  3. megalomaniac conspiracy theories.

seek help