lol at not having tabbaker on ignore
Simp and Inso0 are both like millions of people. Simp doesnt own the site and having registered the domain name isn’t causing any problems. Don’t be not ok because of him. Otherwise what? Never be ok?
That’s too deep and for another thread
Hmmm I kind of like simp and tabbaker both quite a bit so I sort of feel caught in bizaro world here. But then again, I quit the site until cuse stepped down as mod, and now I feel like cuse is one of the best posters and one of my good friends on this site. So maybe the lesson is we (me for sure) all relax a little and let things play out before doing anything stupid.
And NotBruceZ and I get along pretty well now. I always said I didn’t have a personal issue with him, dunno how much he toned it down and how much I now thing it’s more fair to talk that way given the escalation of the administration.
Probably a little of both.
Hey UnStuckers… it’s on ! Head on over to the Vote, Donate, or Message thread !
One of the classic 2+2 Troll Feuds has reignited, and now it’s spread it’s contagion over here to UnStuck. Trolly McTrollson “herp derp”-ed an innocent thread just 8 minutes after it’s birth (at 10:44 pm on a Sunday… like rust, trolling never sleeps). Now his old nemesis, Shame Trolly !!!1!, has challenged him to a classic old fashion trolling Heads Up Free Style Throw Down.
Hey UnStuckers… it’s on ! Head on over to the Vote, Donate, or Message thread !
(And while you are over there, please vote in my poll. Yes… I’m begging)
this post is worse than anything inso has posted, except maybe his ruminations on how covid is only killing people already on their way out.
Being an asshole isn’t a reason to be banned.
No one ever absorbs the information that lower income people voted against Trump more than higher income people. Never. They never absorb that.
He’s made a few posts that basically boil down to
poor = dumb
rich = smart
IDK about worse person. However, @ simpliticus is a worse poster, and he’s bad for UnStuck. Here is a case study on why this is so…
Time* | New poster @ PocketChads |
2:28 | Registers & makes 1st post (in a misc thread) |
7:23 | 2nd post (in a misc thread) |
7:26 | Starts his first thread: the Landlord thread |
7:51 | Makes his 2nd post in the Landlord thread |
9:37 | 5th-7th posts (in misc threads) |
10:32 | @ simpliticus shits a “herp derp”, as post #7, into the Landlord thread |
‘*’: All time PM PDT April 1st, 2020.
So here we have a newbie… a newbie who, as an IRL organizer of Rent Strike 2020, has personal knowledge of a significant and major news story, a story that is surely directly relevant to some UnStuckers, and who has made the positive effort to register and has offered to share his story with us…
And after he’s only made 7 posts, and after only 6 posts have been made into his first ever thread, and just 2:41 after creating that thread… he experiences a “cool kid” shitting all over both him & his thread. Why would anyone ever post at UnStuck again after being treated like this?
If we ever expect to grow beyond an ever dwindling gang of ex 2+2ers, we need to start treating newbies better than this. The way @ simpliticus goes around acting and treating his fellow UnStuckers is just plain fucked up and rude. We shouldn’t treat each other this way. Am a very slightly annoyed? Well, yes, yes I am… @ PocketChads is my brother.
is that the same Simplicitus as 2p2? i recall some pretty awful (as in hateful) opinions there.
We can for sure define working class in a way that would suggest they were responsible for trump, it’s just that, that definition would leave off most working people.
Anyone complaining about virtue signaling has made an idiotic post, but isn’t necessarily an idiot. I like simp. Run it up to quarantine cabin fever and his fitness classes being cancelled, imo.
The stats on income were posted by more than one person in this thread yesterday. One thing to know here is that there is not any real data on this. No one really know who anyone voted for. It’s based on exit polling. And there is no definition of “working class” and it’s certainly not tracked in the US. But, income/wealth is the best proxy for it and it’s not close despite the information being a bit fuzzy because of poor students. And Hillary won by a large margin with people making less than $50k/year and lost with people making more.
Trump did indeed win bigly with white people. As I pointed out (and simplicitus agreed with!) it was stuff like race/racism and religion that mattered, not economic class. Rich white protestant males (gender mattered too) voted for Trump.
We’re going to ban someone for having an occasional bad take? C’mon, man.
This one’s from an old thread so I can’t quote it directly:
You and some other posters are proving my concerns about a subset of Bernie Bros time and again in this and other threads. However, as I noted, we need stupid people to be on our side, which is one of the reasons why I think Bernie can beat Trump. Bernie had the highest donor support among waiters and Liz had the highest support among mathematicians. In a popularity contest, you want the support of the waiters.
This one, to be fair, he’s only calling the poor incompetent, so maybe I’m a liar
This drama is always fun but I don’t think anyone actually wants to ban anyone, right? Tab just likes to take dumps and then run away. It’s his thing.
Of course it’s impossible that simp will be banned. I guess if you just want to simplicitus it might make sense that you’d react to some suggestion I missed about banning him, but it’s obviously unnecessary.