
I knew you were too rich!


Imagine thinking the lack of new posters is due to this place not being left-wing enough, or that adding more twitter marxist trolls like yourself would be a good thing for forum quality.


Exactly the kind of dismissive shithead response I’d expect. Label me, negate me, don’t think about how you guys actually treat other people. I’m just a “twitter Marxist troll,” so I’m not a human being, right? So it’s fine to be an arrogant prick to me, right? That’s the Good Woke Liberal way to behave, right?

I was told by good people that this forum was a good place to post. Obviously it’s still overrun with self-righteous liberal shitheads like you who start screeching any time anyone to their left stands up for themselves.

That’s kind of my point. Someone can go around being an asshole constantly but as long as they color within the lines it’s fine. Call them an asshole for doing it, though, and you get responses like the one above. Liberals love civility for thee, but not for me.

Like I’ve said, this ain’t my circus and it ain’t my clowns, but it’s this kind of behavior y’all should think about depending on what kind of place you want this to be. Because if that kind of behavior goes unchecked eventually you’ll have nothing but a bunch of groupthinking liberals who browbeat everyone else from their unearned sense of superiority. That’s just a fact based in a lot of forum experience.


Ok, so, like, you get you’re making this up, right? And no matter how many times you repeat it, the reality doesn’t change; we can all just go reread the posts if we wanted. Right?

Gaslighting… That sure sounds like Trump Playbook 101™!


Indeed we can

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Can’t make this stuff up.

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That’s wild. I was literally about to post that if I was King Of All Forums there’d be zero tolerance for this type of trolling because it’s so pernicious and corrosive, even though the majority of the time people aren’t doing it intentionally.

This sort of asinine infighting over labels and purity is why Republicans always win and the left never can hold on to power. I will leave you to it…

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It’s always a projection


Clovis, the point of contention was that you don’t seem to actually care, considering you mock and insult the people who are most vocally upset by what’s went down with the Dem primary and post-primary.

The parts after that are speculations as to why this might be, not proclamations that one can’t be of the left if they’re too wealthy or formally educated or, horror of horrors, too Canadian.

I said this at the time,

and you wanting it to be the latter when it’s trivially, obviously the former doesn’t make it so.

Not really. People on the left generally have ideals and people on the right generally only dream of money. Debating ideals is never asinine.

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Guy who calls people turds and shitheads and is regularly one of the most acerbic posters here complains about the way others treat him. Decries labels while in the same breath generalizes every liberal in the forum (who are a minority here despite your victimhood complex).


FWIW I wouldn’t be making this post if you hadn’t explicitly mentioned gaslighting, but I think we can all afford to be a little more self-aware re: the terms and accusations we’re throwing around. I haven’t been perfect in my engagement on this topic, and Clovis hasn’t either. We’re all just sitting at different stages of Bernie grief (e.g., Anger vs Acceptance) and yelling at each other because we think that divides us. It shouldn’t. Pragmatism vs. rage doesn’t predict how much grief we had, only how we choose to process it.

That didn’t happen.

And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.

And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
And if it is, that’s not my fault.
And if it was, I didn’t mean it.

And if I did, you deserved it.


The right has just as much infighting as the left.

eta: Correction: the right has a lot more infighting than the left. GOP got a big reorg with the Tea Party and now the Lincoln Project is openly campaigning for Biden. It’s really not close.

@Nononocantsleep do you honestly expect me to believe you can’t tell the difference between,

  1. You don’t seem to actually care because you mock people who do; maybe this stems from owning a business and having a PhD.


  1. You’re not really part of the left, and can’t be, because of all the owning a business and having a PhD.


They’re almost opposites!


So I guess if said the part about businesses and PhDs was not only not an attack but actually a lukewarm defense then minds would really get blown out of skulls.

That would be a swell story if you hadn’t called me a “disgusting POS” and suggested I should be the janitor not owner while “defending me” all the while jwax is excitingly saying I should shut up cause I’m Canadian and rich and “stop smelling my PhD farts”.

Anyway, I’m not going to respond anymore. I posted my defence. I’m a big boy I can take being attacked.

Very clever, young man, but it’s Trump Playbook 101™ all the way down.

I know plenty of very successful people who can’t actually read. Like, they know all the words and know what all the words mean individually, but they just can’t pick out the meaning of a sentence somewhere between thirty and eighty percent of the time. It’s weird as fuck to watch it in real time. A question like, “How many people will it take you to do this task?” gets interpreted as, “Can you do this task?” and leads to several more emails back and forth. Seeing, “Why don’t you care about these issues? Is it because they don’t affect you?” get interpreted as, “Your thoughts on these issues don’t count because they don’t affect you,” is weird as fuck.

You’re allowed to have thoughts on issues that don’t affect you personally, the world would be even more of a mess if that wasn’t true. But it’s weird as fuck when people seem to not care at all about over-incarceration, and I hope it’s because it doesn’t affect you and not because you think the people deserve to be in prison.