Joe Biden's VP pick --- Kamala Harris

Why do you purity guys think I’m rich lol. I’m middle class. Slightly upper range middle class maybe. You guys think I live on a pile of money. I live in a townhouse and drive a 2013 Mazda 3 that has recently broken out in rust bubbles. . :joy:

Maybe because you honestly think it invalidates my points.

I know I pick on team purity a lot but it’s a genuinely dangerous political movement that hurts actual progress.


I’m with you, mang. lol you may not want me as an ally, and I mostly steer clear of politics threads these days because it’s unpleasant, but whatever this current iteration of left-wing politics is, the left is doing itself no favors.


lol, I keep seeing these stupid GOP self-own tweets and it’s hilarious


They should just save all the extra words and just all tweet over and over “liberal bad!”

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I get that Clovis is trolling like a mofo here, but “Fuck off, you’re not an American” is a shitty take on a forum with a lot of good non-American posters.


Because you’re woefully out of touch with the working poor in the US.

A Joe Biden / Kamala Harris administration doesn’t make the lives of the ~50% of the US workforce that earns $15/hr or less significantly better. Progressive policies of Bernie / AOC do. You have no fucking idea what it’s like to put off going to the Dr. because if you go and something is super fucked, you could lose every penny to your name. We need a dramatic sea change in this country. Instead, we’re getting the same thing we’ve gotten for every other presidential election of our lifetime; the opportunity to vote for a slightly less right of center candidate that will murder brown people at home and abroad and keep the shitty status quo for most of the country.

This country fucking sucks. Living here fucking sucks. If I had the incredible privilege to live in a sane country like Canada, I wouldn’t spend multiple hours a day on a US politics forum telling people that are fed up with their system to grow up while I sniff my own PhD farts.


This is exactly what they think.

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He’s the only shitty non-American that constantly talks down to progressive that live here. He can suck my dick.

You have pulled the xenophobia card on other non Americans.

I don’t talk down to progressives. There are tons of them here including me. I talk down to purists. Purists are dangerous.

You notice no tweets from AOC or Bernie about how awful Harris is? Progressive not purist.

P.S. again somehow my degree is an insult. 🤷🏼 For the record my PhD farts smell wonderful. Like money.


People have decided that discrediting the speaker is more effective than arguing the point. The good news is they’re right. The bad news is that causes politics to become unmoored from reality where nothing someone says matters if you dislike them.

I don’t know whether people ever had the ability to discern reality, but now whether something is true is less important than whethet you like the speaker and message.



A: Calm down.

B: Enough with the nativism here. What goes on in America affects the world and no one should be discouraging international posters from chiming in.


Wouldn’t that be his kink? 🤷😁

Lol Shaun King


oh no what ever shall we do :expressionless:


Not sure which is worse the politicians that implement legislation actively harming the working class and minorities or the purity posters.


#BadPokerAnalogies #LazyPunditry


um…all in for what? he wasn’t before? what does this even mean?


Y’all remember how Hillary put out a bunch of ads with clips where Trump said mean things about women or whatever? There were these ads featuring Trump saying things to piss off liberals. And Republicans loved these Democratic ads, they love Trump saying shitty things about women and pissing off liberals. The Dems were effectively producing ads for Trump.

The right is in the same sort of mode now. An assault rifle ban is massively popular across the board. Of course the Dems won’t actually campaign on that because they’re chickenshit morons, but it’s fantastic that Ben Shapiro is broadcasting the idea that Dems might actually do something about gun control. Politics is very strange in 2020.


It’s par for the course.

hope the underprivileged don’t fill jobs in that sector, they might kill themselves.

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No, I honestly don’t!

It wasn’t insulting, it was offering up a possible reason why you don’t actually care, and why you don’t understand people who actually do.

On that note, the point of all this, are you going to stop insulting people for caring?