
Also, it’s one thing to say that you believe my defense of tab and sabo implied that I didn’t think their attacks on you were abusive, but it’s another thing for you to state as fact that I didn’t think they were abusive.

Possible, but I think tabakker has half given up and mostly dgaf. I mean, the thing about people suffering in Africa is obviously a shot about your posts regarding malaria, but he wasn’t even part of those arguments was he? He’s just taking a random shot to get under your skin.

Do you mean the post where you misspelled “paging” in response to the tweet that wirelessgrinder posted? I did miss providing the context for that post.

Just using his arguments against him.

Ok I’ll bribe them the American way.

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To be clear, clovis has said exactly what he is doing.

And to be fair, those that clovis has dubbed “team purity” are sometimes doing the same thing; clovis is just smarter about how he trolls.

As I openly admitted itt I changed to trolling after being attacked. My original “page” was not trolling in any way.

I do find it interesting none of the posts calling me too rich or Canadian to be here are a concern for you.

Basically, imo, the site hasn’t needed modding aside from excising derails. My main hope for modding is that it become something more like a duty that people take turns doing rather than an honor (same goes for admin as far as that is possible).

I don’t know but expect that I’d be seen as on that side of the political spectrum and that I’d be acceptable, and I’d much rather something like this happen as the replacement of another mod, but I’d do a term as a mod of, say, 6 months, really really hoping to set some kind of precedent that this site is still community owned and run and neither mods, nor admins are owners separate from the general body of posters.

Ok I wanted to discuss it with the community and the reaction is negative so now I don’t know what to do.

Micro would be a great mod, is tough on crime, supports the 2A, loves our veterans and has my complete and total endorsement.


I think the reaction has been more confusion about what is bad about the current state of the forum, and how adding someone on your side (or however you put it) would fix it?

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I just want to understand your position. I’m still unclear on what you’re asking for, how you evaluate whether a person meets your criteria, and what that criteria is.

Are there any defined positions that speak to your definition of leftist? I assume you are referring in part to the degree of support a person offers egalitarianism and social equality, and by extension opposition to social hierarchy?

Like I identify pretty strongly with the ideas of anarcho-communism, though I do believe there are exceptions where I would endorse what is generally considered “limited state intervention” on matters vital to the public interest. But I have no idea how far to the right of center that puts me in your view if you are still crying out for a mod further to the left.

I would gladly endorse micro to the team. In favor of his own recommendation to treat being a moderator as a public duty we all exchange in service to each other, I would gladly trade places so that he might serve as a moderator and I might serve as a plebian. Though I am also happy to remain on the mod team and simply add mod powers to his name.

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What if I’ve already been puking from trauma and shame my whole life?


That’s too much to remember. I’ll just hit 303030 until he responds.

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Team purely is an insult. The intent is to take shots at people.

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lol who even are the mods?

I thought you were?



I’m kinda fine with it all though.

These are trying times.


I don’t see a problem with the modding here, which seems pretty nonexistent to me. I’d be happy to volunteer as a mod in the spirit of micro’s “modding is a duty” platform and having a sufficient rabid Bernie Bro presence on the mod team, but I can’t envision doing much beyond excising derails.


I think you are good choice and would satisfy tababker’s goal.