
Well? the 5 of you? It’s at 93% and the most vigorous defense this guy gets is some people would be ok if he were contained.

I think you mean @DodgerIrish

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Bonus likes for moving the Triceratops thread to French BBV.

You can mute the thread and never see it again.

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Yes that’s the other Mod :+1:

Raids has a decade of practice trying to post as shitty and high volume as possible while staying just under what he feels is the threshold of a ban. Then, he inevitably crosses that line, gets perma’d and comes back on a new name.

That being said, I don’t know if a ban is the best solution. The primary problem is his high volume and banning wont get rid of him. I don’t know what options the forum software gives, can you give someone a post per day limit or give his posts a button that will let anyone ban him for an hour?

Although, if you do want to actually ban him, SE regs also have a decade of practice and can probably spot a new Raids account in under 25 posts.

Just make me a mod and I’ll push the button, no problem.



Sorry, I got confused by the previous poll being quoted just above it.


There should be new mods and you should be one.

Ah, didn’t realize that.

Who the mods (and admins) are isn’t some closely guarded secret.

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I voted “yes” because anyone causing this much consternation is not going to be good for the community; see my earlier thoughts on the necessity of dealing with trolls firmly.

That said, he’s also got a lifetime achievement award in posting that would justify it on any forum:

Users with no avatars doing the work for the NOs in that pole :expressionless:

Never heard of “ing”. Is that a poster or some special use account?

The dinosaur guy is way more problematic and toxic than anachro has been lately. Nothing anachro has posted lately, while terrible and triggering, is a repeat of the abusive posting he was banned for. His opinions are still awful but he’s been better since he got back.

he and goofy had an exchange that promised to lead somewhere interesting, I forget what it was.

I say ignore and stfu. the forum needs some dissent, whether it’s the most considered or not

I agree as far as Inso0 and probably Triceratops and certainly some others who often disagree with most posters. And I’d feel the same about Trump supporters or Evangelical Christians or w/e. But, and imo, anachro is mostly fucking with the site purely for the sake of fucking with us.

He is on my ignore list and not a big deal to me really. I’ve said before that what bothers me more is that people from 2p2 come here to fuck with us and won’t even admit who they are.

A separate issue though is whether or not and how mods can ban someone and I like the way this one happened. There was plenty of discussion, it sunk in for a while, vote is fairly clear, no one really wants to stick up for anachro (I think it would be a lot different if most people wanted to ban someone who had some real supporters), and yet it’s not a massive debate about procedure. Good precedent.

And he’s not dissent. What are his politics anyway? I haven’t read his posts for a while, but isn’t he like a regular Democrat? It’s not dissent.

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ahh well. I was talking about triceratops, but you guys do what you feel is best, I guess.

Have enough trouble knowing what my own politics are lol

I just don’t like seeing anyone banned… peeps can change, situations fluid

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I don’t really like posters being banned either, but as far as I’m concerned this guy is just a gimmick. If he wants to sign up under his regular name, the one that people here know him as, he can try again without the trolling imo.

WAR’s post is correct, but I don’t think it fits the nature of this community’s standards for mods to snap-ban people who do color inside the ratified rules in an abrasive fashion.