META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

I’d add that if people want to be invited to nmnm it would help a lot if they’d change their minds about the need for bans, first and foremost, and other moderation gimmicks the mod kids like to play around with too eg throttling.

Unstuck is as good as dead imo. If you didn’t want that to happen it’s probably a good time for all of us to have some degree of introspection as to what we did to cause that rather than continue to make clowns out of ourselves here throwing rocks.

Of course if you were here just to destroy the site, you won! Congrats!


Because you’re lamenting at how nefarious and awful the intentions of the charters of the new site are ("they’re going to kill Unstuck AND ban whoever they want) while also volunteering that you’ve created an account there. To me, that’s a contradiction.

And you’re also making a stink about the new site’s existence as a means for others to “ban whoever they want” while also having no objection to another exclusionist site being created under similar pretenses. In fact, that site even has a front gate that no one can get by unless they’re invited!

Trolly pointing out these inconsistencies in your points of view is not absurd and it’s certainly not embarrassing.

why? they gonna kill UP and have SPE instead where they have complete control. I still want to read the community’s content. I like the content here. Why would I deprive myself of reading it? I hope i’m not going to get banned for being sad about the move.

I really don’t understand why this is a contradiction.


As for this, I’ve already explained numerous times the differences in my opinion. Mostly the power balance. But also the ambitions. NMNM is a tiny group that is similar to the discord. While SPE will eventually replace UP or die. My bet is on the former, I imagine so is theirs.

The embarrassing part is that he keeps attacking my moderation here while I barely done any. Funnily enough that’s the main reason why they claim UP got ruined in the first place and in the new site there will be no mod criticism allowed.


Such a weird decision to ban someone for “criticism, not a content free personal attack

Round three? We established you were a liar in rounds 1 and 2, going to be the same story here.

PMing people abuse or criticism is way more invasive and I’ve never criticized a mod for banning people for this.

So you admit trolly is lying, but think it is better to do whataboutism because someone else wrote something sometime? Oh and of course that something isnt close to being the same but who cares, internet points!

You dont think a better response would have been “actually Yuv never handed out bans like candy thats a lie. And other than removing a 10 minute throttle on a thread i never had any issue with him overuling me in any way. Thats also a lie @Trolly”.

You keep using this harassment by trolly to showcase how some people mistreated you in the same way and your action is to allow and encourage it.

Did we? I know you and your friends love to call me one but I don’t think you’ve established it as fact.

Why would I waste my time defending you?

Basic integrity? Some morals? Remote interest in the truth? Or am i the enemy because i disagree with your bans?

Or you know, if you dont want to defend the truth, you can at least stop spreading whataboutism to hide it.


I take you dissembling into non-sequiturs as being as close as we will ever get to an apology.


In the past 24 hours you’ve posted 58 times, all crying away in About, no where else. I don’t like your content. Go away.

Barring that, can you unmod yourself for about an hour so you can join these other luminaries of high content who definitely post great and and in good faith and for sure make this place better:


Thanks. You’re a loving individual.

I know you can’t read this but


If I wasn’t on the ignore list of someone who makes posts like yours I’d want to know why.


What am I supposed to apologize for?

So much for the “everyone is welcome at SPE”.


Much, much better to exclude than to perma for nothing.



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I wonder which of Jman, cuse and jmakin won the finger on the trigger round?

right, he’s your Forum Enemy, you’re sworn to destroy him

I’ve asked you nicely to please stop @ing me.