About Moderation (old original thread)

I’m not sure what your definition of criticism is, but this certainly isn’t happening.

Cool how you’re open about your mod plans in this mod-only pm thread and the crypto discord but not with the actual UP community.


If things were logged in the moderation thread then we wouldn’t be jumping to conclusions I guess. One of the other mods is making you look really bad.

Have you deleted any posts in this thread that could be characterized as negative towards you or your actions?

I’ve deleted two posts that contained personal attacks. I will continue to do so. Criticism without personal attacks is always fair.

Calling you a lying coward is criticism, not a content-free personal attack.

Do you think those actions should be noted in the mod log?

I saw the post that Swanky wrote and you deleted, he called you a liar, just like I did when I pointed out your transparent lie. He put a little more color on it (cowardly liar I think? Who knows, it’s deleted) but the substance was the same.

both of the deleted posts called meb a piece of shit or similar

Before this site started, a group of us were posting on email and then slack about how to start up a new site. (While this was happening, CW started the ProBoards site independently of us, which then led to UP). Everyone in that group organizing, who were for the most part the people I was closest to on 2p2, have been run off this site.

Since all the mods have agreed on this decision, then I have reconsidered and do not want any of my work supporting this site anymore. and I have removed my contributions


Could you anonymize my account before you’re de-admined? Thanks.

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tough but fair

viciously attacked?

one thing that is worth clarifying is that the other mods do not all endorse the decision. i have said that i would not unilaterally reverse meb’s bans but that i would help the community reverse them if that’s what it wants to do.

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The community already voted on Churchill. You can reverse it now.


Uhhh did someone just delete the theme for everyone?

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ggoreo has undone the customizations that he made for the site

oh… well, that is disappointing and seems rash.

I’m sorry this decision upset you, and respect if that means you no longer want to be part of the community here.

This has needed to happen for a long time though, and it was being prevented by a group who has a separate forum setup. This same group supported me becoming a mod because they thought that it would result in an “enemy” being banned, even if some of their “friends” got caught up in the crossfire. The real reason they are angry right now is not about who I banned, they still can post with them on their other forum. It is about who I didn’t ban.

And I was being honest that I originally planned to ban two more posters, one of whom is the person they’re upset I didn’t ban. Prior to doing so, I extensively reviewed each posters posting history, and I found that the forum generally had fewer issues when the two posters I did ban were absent. The poster I did not ban, while frustrating at times, hadn’t really caused any issues recently. If that changes, I’m happy to look at it again.

You all are also welcome to remove me as a mod, or take up a vote to reverse any of my decisions.