Let's discuss fidgetUK’s ban

It’s just an excuse for bad faith actors to troll more.

The childishness has to stop.

I agree there is no need for any of that. Act like a petulant child unendingly, win nat prizes.

What’s funny is the whole c word debate was a big catalyst in a lot of this and I was always against that ban. However it’s over time to move on and time for them to stop aggressively taking it out on everyone who disagreed with them.

If people can’t find their way back to being some semblance of maturity then goodbye. It’s that simple to me.

Bad days happen. Bad weeks happen. Bad months, years and lifetimes? Time to go away and reflect and mediate yourself outside the forum.

It continues to be the same handful of people constantly trying to erode the forum because they felt they got slighted and have a victim complex.

It’s so tired at this point. And every day it goes on the more likely I am just going to agree with any ban as being permanent because who has time for this nonsense.

Not to mention the massive amount of abuse heaped on a fully volunteer staff which unsurprisingly the people causing most of the problems are unwilling or incapable of being a part of.

What I know about fidget here is he has exhausted his benefit of the doubt with me.

It doesn’t make sense to constantly have a small group of users trashing the forum for everyone else. I consider myself a pretty fair and open minded person. But people keep pushing and pushing and pushing to the point I am happy to see them go.


Show us all your PMs, current, past and deleted.

So just to be clear here. You’re going out of your way to call me ikes over and over again while making a defense of fidget’s behavior using a semantic distinction that doesn’t actually change what he did.

You couldn’t be more transparent.


Pms aren’t magically coated in invisibility.

The question is how would you feel if those things happened in regards to you.

By the way nobody send me any pms. I have no qualms publicizing anything problematic sent to me.

There is an issue to be addressed with regards to mods and pms but the cat is out of the bag and the bag needs to be disposed of, so does the cat. They are two completely separate issues and nobody is getting off on an evidentiary technicality. This is not a court of law. If it were fidget would be trying to plea bargain down from a life sentence in prison without the possibility of parole.

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Ikes doesn’t make the list of problematic unstuck users trying to burn this place down.

Try again.

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I think Donald Trump will be a better president in 2024.

Vote Trump/Fidget ‘24.

All the more reason to come back and troll.

The behavior is abnormal across the board. From the trolling, to the inciting to the finger pointing to the desire to wreck this place.

Makes zero sense and if someone feels it could be them instead of fidget or one of the others, they should really reflect on their behavior not just here but in living life.

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I hope the options aren’t permaban or reverse ban immediately.


I’m fine with moderators not being able to give out a first strike permaban but exactly how many strikes do people get before it is an automatic permaban?

If we are just going to community vote every single time for repeat offenders this forum is just done. People here WANT IT TO FAIL. And we are letting them.


jman reading with bifocals too - lol

The only way he could be more transparent would be if someone published a bunch of his pm’s were he and his council of captains admitted to their trolling.

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He hasn’t “trolled the forum”. Talk about hyperbole.

So what was he doing then?

Also I’m shocked that the defense of fidget started in earnest after we couldn’t reference his posts talking about trolling the forum were removed. Shocker.

Again, ludicrously transparent.

You’re asking the wrong guy. I enjoy a good troll, even at my expense

I don’t know. In fidget’s case, I’d say a second ban for related trolling would be enough. But in someone else’s case, not. Like, suzzer was recently temp’d for a day. I think it would be ridiculous for that to be followed up with a perma.

I’m also fine with a moderator effectively doing what chads did with sabo, saying, “Listen, I banned him for an undetermined amount of time. I think it should be a perma. Let’s talk/vote on it.”

I just hate the combination of:

  • mods can perma posters on a first strike basis
  • mods can perma posters without any community approval

Relax one of those two and I’m more ok with the other.

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Fibonacci with decay

duuude… One thing that I seriously hate, like big time and take extremely personally, is when you are trying to sell me for stupid. Take your gaslighting in a different direction.

He trolled me, dunked on me and was a dick towards me. I tried to be supportive in mental health thread. SMH.

Why did you delete your post?

I’d cut him some slack if he was fidgetUS but UK?!! Fuck that guy.


I’m going to regret asking this but what exactly did he say?

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