Let's discuss fidgetUK’s ban

fidgetUK was perma banned yesterday

As far as I know a forum member has not been permabanned without the input of the community at large, and also afaik, the unwritten rule has been that members will not be unilaterally permanently banned without community feedback.

It also seems to me (but Wookie has not confirmed) that the assessment of “bad faith” stems from comments fidgetUK made in a private that were subsequently made public by an admin.

I am not arguing for or against fidgetUK 's ban, but I have concerns about how the ban came about, and am seeking community input. I’m posting this as a user not an admin.

Should FidgetUK be permanently banned?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Not sure which way to go with this. Think perma might be harsh, but if they come back they will 100% retain the same trolling behaviour. They were clearly trolling for months, the few defenders said “no, no of course they’re sincere” then they openly admitted it.

This can’t just be a playground for schoolyard trolls.


Yeah he admitted to trolling the shit out of this place. Fuck that. The fact that this is even a discussion is nuts.


Why not do a really long ban, like 1-2 months instead of a perma? Much lower stakes, doesn’t need to be community reviewed and probably functions the same way unless there is unprecedented commitment level to trolling, and even then just ban them for 2-3 months next time


While the information and the posts where they openly admitted trolling were PMs, unfortunately, that ship has sailed, the cat’s out of the bag, etc.

I have refrained from voting, because I’m not sure it’s appropriate for me to do so, but Aofrantic makes a very good point. Based on my experience, for a forum to survive, obvious trolls cannot be allowed to continue, or should at least be quarantined somehow.

If we want to release them on a technicality (inadmissible evidence?), we would be following the “letter of the law”, of course, but we just had a 1000+ post PM then public thread about how so many people absolutely HATE the litigiousness of our current methods of governance.

Hobbes’ Leviathan would keep the ban. I’d say Monster probably has the right of it.

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Doing it this way with incrementally longer bans also creates a longer paper trail of incidents so if you ever have to perma it will be easier

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Cite please.

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Really long bans only encourage people to create a new account and post under that.

We need, as I posted in the PM thread, a period of focussed and planned mediation and reconciliation.

Unfortunately whenever this has been proposed it’s been poorly received by moderation.

You make your own monsters.

I’m not wasting my time doing your homework dude.

The posts were made public to the forum. Your attempts at gaslighting here aren’t cute. You know what you’re doing and it is embarrassing.


Wouldn’t a perma encourage that way more?

Is this a joke?

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lol wat this is an internet message board

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a) About the same in a lot of cases, I’d say.

b) Is this another insult?

No of course it’s not a joke. Perhaps you don’t read much here, I don’t know, but I see few posts by you. Do you think it’s possible that you haven’t been following events over the past 6 months?

That’s true, and this makes it…what? Impossible? Irrelevant? Too boring? What?

It makes it a silly suggestion.

Silly for what reason? Unachievable? Not worth doing? What?

Ok, so there is only upside here for what I’m proposing.

I don’t need additional context to state with absolute 100% certainty that a message board for chatting about politics and other random shit DOES NOT require a “period of focused and planned mediation and reconciliation”



This is a browser tab that you can type some words into and pal around and stuff. If you are so unhappy with your browser tab that you need focused and planned mediation, the answer is more clicking the ‘X’ in the upper right corner, and less a staff of conflict mediators.


Anyway, I maintain that there shouldn’t be permas, and folks can just eat incrementally longer bans that don’t require community input. I don’t see much downside to operating this way unless it’s a huge burden for mods

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No one’s proposing a “staff of conflict moderators”. I’d appreciate you not strawmanning a serious suggestion that was first proposed by a very kind-hearted mod here.

Banning someone for something said in a private message is wrong. Couldn’t dream up a better way to highlight the failings of the current group of moderators though, so maybe in this case it’s good