Let's discuss fidgetUK’s ban

Don’t you too want to make a statement of some kind? Are you happy with yourself?

How about you?

I’ve made several statements across different threads.

I’m all statemented out.

Amazing. The guy is openly trying to to sabotage the community and sow discord through bad faith posting, and people want that here.


Under Section 4, Para, subsection 2 of the site rules ratified here how long does this poll have to remain open before we can free Patrick McGoohan?


I wasn’t on team Release all PMs but posts like this are making me reconsider


Eh, it wasn’t great posting. Probably temp ban worthy. But it’s inadmissible evidence. You shouldn’t be reading his PMs.

He was a bad troll, but we still have worse trolls not banned. I think people want him gone for 2-3 weeks and if he comes back and does the same shit he’s gone the second it begins again.


Why should anyone expect his attitude towards this community to change one iota unless literally everyone who put in the effort to make and maintain it is kicked out?

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The point is that he has now a huge drop of his social status here even if he decides to return. Will it be fun for him to post here? I mean … unless he enjoys conflict. And I am pretty sure that he doesn’t.

Funny stuff… I read that he was dunking on me hard. But I somehow DGAF. What I find a lot more pathetic is that after people supported fidget in the mental health thread he trolled the forum. It is soooooo… It doesn’t fit into my head.

Literally everyone?

Why would anyone want microbet, zz, ggoreo, risky et al kicked out?

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For me, there are a few issues here:

  • I want mods to have discretion and be able to exercise that discretion without getting hounded
  • I think that discretion should have a limit, which I’d arbitrarily set at temp bans for up to one month.
  • I don’t think perma bans of non-spam users should be within a single mod’s discretion. Community vote or unanimous mod approval I think would be more appropriate.
  • I think perma bans should ~never be a poster’s first moderation. (I’m not sure if this was the case here.)
  • I don’t think statements from PMs should be the basis for moderation. PMs should be viewed as private.
  • I think (and have thought prior to this episode) that fidget’s posting/actions have been extremely detrimental to the site. Seeing the language in the PMs just confirmed that it was intentional.

I agree with some of the above posts that he should be temped for a few weeks. But I think a perma–even though it’s probably deserved in some karmic way–sets a terrible precedent for how I’d like this place to operate.


No disrespect to Wookie but I think we ought to get more of an explanation than just “bad faith” for a perma.


Sure, and it’s there. He made a bunch of posts saying he’d been trolling everyone for a long period of time. It’s not much more complicated than that.

This is one of the biggest problems on this forum imo - exaggeration and hyperbole


In a PM

oh so that makes his behavior ok then!

This place doesn’t attract enough new users for that to be a real problem.

Plus it would just be concrete evidence the ban was just in the first place.

I realize this is completely unprecedented, but can we pre-emptively ban Skalansky for a day or two? He has some hot takes about the Israel over at 22 and boy they’re not great, maybe we can stop him before he takes them here.

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We could start a KFCBBQ and vote on it?


Holy shit that post lol.