Leaving on that midnight train for Georgia Runoff

If manriver is from a parallel universe, that doesn’t work unless you trap them both in the interdimensional corridor between universes. That way both universes are safe. Riverman is screwed for eternity though.

Right like that one pretty crappy Star Trek episode.

Not comparable, but I’ve been reading English since I was 7ish, almost every book I’ve read since age 11-12 has been in English and I’m generally surrounded by the English language every day at work (I’m in IT) and 95% of everything I watch is in English. After being in the US for 2-3 weeks I start thinking more and more in English as well, even when going with other Norwegians. I frequently grasp for Norwegian words because the English word comes to me first, particularly when there’s not a good translation (English contains a fair bit more words). I don’t think this is entirely uncommon either, at least a couple of my friends are the same way.


Yeah, it was bad. Like season 3 level bad.

I know this is a derail. But im gonna use the chance to tell one of my favourite stories.

My grandma became almost entirely deaf as a toddler. She was then tought to speak at a private girls school in england in the 1920s and 30s. (Scholorship for crazy smart deaf girl from the slums) Not only did she have the exact accent you would expect, but because she couldn’t hear anything her accent was frozen in time.

She never learned to sign, but was an elite lip reader (watching sports with her was always fun).

Anyway. In her 70s she volunteered for a local deaf association. The police came to them and asked for someone who could lip read and she volunteered.

The police have video theyve got from one side of a phone call. Maybe a hidden camera. Police said they were biker gangs. They need to know what the guy said.

So there she is. At the police station. In her 70s. Frail old lady. Speaking like the queen.

“Right. Tell that fucking ■■■■ if i dont get my fucking money. Ill break his FUCKING legs”

Police warned her not to tell anyone but no way she was wasting a story like that.


It took me a while to find this but I wasn’t joking.




Seems pretty inappropriate.


the whole “divided government is good” thing, people eat that shit up, I don’t know if these dipshits actually believe that government will actually magically work better in these conditions or if they are just looking for socially acceptable cover.

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I think that’s his natural state.


Final results

I am mega tilted by Kelly Loeffler’s hair. Cut it! You aren’t in high school!

As for GA, I truly believe the GOP holds both seats.

Biden won GA on the backs of suburban shitheads who personally don’t like Trump. Those people are all voting GOP today.

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Keep going, the stronger you are certain in losing, the likelihood that we actually win increases!


You might have lost me here - what’s wrong with long hair?

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


My dad is a true believer in that first group. I think it’s a very common Boomer belief.

Ossoff lost by 1.8% in the general. I don’t see there being that much of a pro-Dem swing for him to make that up. Maybe an insane percentage of the new voters go Dem?

The total Republican vote in Warnock’s general election race was also greater than Democrat. Then if you add Libertarian and Independent…I don’t feel good about things. We’ll see, though.

300,000 fewer mail-in than in the general. About 1.3 million to 1 million.

If memory serves, GA was pretty damn efficient in the Presidential election. I’d imagine we’ll know late tonight or tomorrow at the latest.