Leaving on that midnight train for Georgia Runoff

I don’t do prop bets. You can have bragging rights if I’m wrong.

Sorry, didn’t know. I hope I’m wrong, I’m not bragging about anything if that asshole wins.



The OP of the photo claims it is a Native American hand sign (seriously)

AWice, Ben Shapiro, David Perdue, (Glenn Jacobs aka Kane)

Prediction time
  • Both Dems
  • Both crooks
  • Osoff only
  • Warnock only

0 voters

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osoff winning and warnock losing has to be a 0.0001% possibility

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22% on PI right now.

That’s a bit high for me too but it’s probably like 10, the margin should be small enough and both markets have different prices.

Seems good but who the hell knows.




he runs targetsmart which isn’t reliable on that stuff

So if we somehow sweep these, what’s the play for the eDems? Handshake deal to have a handful of blue dogs take turns being strongly concerned about some aspect of any progressive legislation that comes along, so it never even comes to a tiebreak?


They can pack the court with never Trump Republicans

2k stimulus happens at least

already passed the house with schumer trying to bring the bill up for a vote


At this point, Trump has to want the republicans in Georgia to lose, right? Because it helps with his Georgia is rigged narrative? And because he wants to burn it down on his way out?

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or he still thinks if they win he might still be president

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If we win these we get the heroes act, and maybe an obamacare fix, and maybe some environmental legislation, all pass through a giant budget reconciliation bill. Also taxes go up some on the rich and corporations because it has to be revenue neutral. It’s not nothing. Also Biden actually gets some judges confirmed.

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The problem with 2k is that the dems need to do it in reconciliation, because otherwise it takes 60, and I"m confident the dems aren’t voting to end the legislative filibuster. I think heroes act passes in some form, but yeah, it might not be the full 2k.

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