Leaving on that midnight train for Georgia Runoff

Yep. Pic was posted by a Trump campaign chud.

Worth reading.

I just finally clicked this thread. Seeing Perdue doing the 21st century heil hitler confirms what I already knew, 5 point Perdue win and 2 point Loeffler win bc she is a lol woman.


Nah, Loeffler is toast. Perdue is a sweat.

Perdue is executing the “completely disappear and hope everyone forgets what a piece of shit I am” strategy, which is probably his best option.

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you can buy Perdue 5-6 point win at 3 cents to a dollar atm

I’d be down for a bet that Loeffler wins. My $50 says Loeffler wins vs your $100 on Warnock?

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I’d like to bet $1000 that Ossof and Warnock win to someone’s $300 that one of them loses. I will happily pay $1000 to see this happen.

I don’t do prop bets. You can have bragging rights if I’m wrong.

Sorry, didn’t know. I hope I’m wrong, I’m not bragging about anything if that asshole wins.



The OP of the photo claims it is a Native American hand sign (seriously)

AWice, Ben Shapiro, David Perdue, (Glenn Jacobs aka Kane)

Prediction time
  • Both Dems
  • Both crooks
  • Osoff only
  • Warnock only

0 voters

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osoff winning and warnock losing has to be a 0.0001% possibility

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22% on PI right now.

That’s a bit high for me too but it’s probably like 10, the margin should be small enough and both markets have different prices.

Seems good but who the hell knows.




he runs targetsmart which isn’t reliable on that stuff

So if we somehow sweep these, what’s the play for the eDems? Handshake deal to have a handful of blue dogs take turns being strongly concerned about some aspect of any progressive legislation that comes along, so it never even comes to a tiebreak?


They can pack the court with never Trump Republicans