Leaving on that midnight train for Georgia Runoff

I work with a woman from a foreign country who was asked to do a company webinar in her native language. She was actually really scared to do it, because basically all of her science communication for the last several years has been in English and not her native language, so speaking science in her native language was like a foreign language to her.

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Learning a foreign language is hard. Learning to read a foreign language is hard. ASL is a foreign language. It’s not the English language in sign language. It’s a completely different language with it’s own syntax. This is a good article.

But studies of ASL signers show that, on average, deaf high school seniors are likely to read at the level of a nine-year-old.

Signers can face the same problems as other bilingual people. Their brains have to choose between two languages all the time. Take the words “paper” and “movie.” Their spelling and meaning are not at all similar. But, as Professor Allen points out, the signs for them are.

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There is no written form of ASL. When you see a sign language book, it’s for a hearing person learning ASL. Like in English you would say “Where is the red ball?” In ASL you would sign


But that is in books for hearing people to understand how to correctly sign “Where is the red ball?”

If you take ASL in college, you’ll usually have a book for ASL 1 and 2 but if you take ASL 3 or 4 or go into grad school, there’s no book for signing. You might have to read literature about deaf history, but that’s the only reading you do.

So it’s a silent version of the Telephone Game?

Isn’t this the same guy that was objecting to the house members being seated?


I’m still trying to figure out how 50 votes in the senate automatically means Puerto Rico is a state

btw, they’re not allowed to count any votes until 7 pm so if you thought Pennsylvania was fun in the general election, you’re gonna have a blast tomorrow.


But Perdue and Loeffler were winning when I went to bed!!!

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There will be dumps. Lots of dumps.

I’ve asked this and its just sort of conceptual pictures. If you think in narrated English I hardly think you’re alone but I tend to think people just sorta have shit pop in their head.

Also ~everything Matty wrote is correct IME.

It can, if you consider West Hartford, CT tolerable enough to find out. You can just roll up to the ASD campus and hang out, true story.

This is why they win. They say utterly insane shit that actually impacts stupid voters. Dems need to be more outlandish with their lies (if Repubs win there will be re-education camps, banning of race-mixing, removal of welfare etc etc) rather than just their standard we are for the people lie which convinces zero voters.

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dems tried to run on R’s doing utterly insane shit but people didn’t believe that was actually what they’re doing

Then it will be President Pelosi. Of course they might like a couple of weeks of that to rile up the masses.

I’m worried about the streets of DC than the floor of congress on Wednesday.


Don’t at me either, he is the best of the pod johns

And just LOL:


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Last chance poll.

Will the Democrats sweep both seats in the Georgia run-offs?
  • Absolute zero
  • A small, non-zero chance (less than 5%)
  • A decent shot (more than 5%, less 40%)
  • Tossup (40%-60%)
  • Dems are the favorite (More than 60%)
  • Metaphysical certitude (100%)
  • Let me see how Riverman votes

0 voters

Kinda wish I could have voted 5-20%. 5-40 is a big range.

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I meant to go back to look at a couple of papers I saw last week. One was about how there’s no such thing as nonconscious thought. The other was about how there’s no such thing as conscious thought. I think I think in English and I think I can think in Spanish but maybe I can’t think at all.


I feel like we may have our very first Riverman paradox. The opposite of a toss-up is itself a toss-up (in expectation, assuming symmetry).


The only solution is to banish Riverman and his evil twin Manriver to another dimension before they destroy the universe.