LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Read this today and thought we could all take it to heart in these times.

“Friendship that insists upon agreement on all things isn’t worth the name.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

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Or you could just stop being wrong about everything all the time.

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I am a bit saddened by this response given the spirit of my post.

I am simply hoping we can all remember we are a community who agrees far more than we disagree.

With all the awfulness that has been this year it’s good to remember friends, even when you sometimes vehemently disagree.


I have no idea what kind of posting relationship you have with mosdef so maybe not, but that seemed like a joke.



I’ve been casually looking at sound machines/white noise generators for sleep. The things that wake me up are birds, traffic, and a nearby train track. Also light in the early morning, but I guess that’s a different issue.

I have found devices that offer recordings of birds, trains, and street traffic. And most of them have night lights.

I have the audiobook of Let Them Eat Tweets. I’m interested in the subject matter but the narrator’s voice just zaps me to sleep in like 5 minutes. Surprisingly effective.

If you don’t use a book your phone can probably do all the sounds you mention with an app/podcast/youtube. Just plug it in or set a sleep timer.

Yeah I have used an app for white noise. Wide variety of sounds… AC, fans, rain, babbling creek, whatever.

Can also try ASMR videos on YouTube. Lots of variety there too. More to induce sleep.

I used to share a room with my brother. He would always blast at least one fan on high for the white noise. Loud. Constant struggle with me turning it/them down and him turning it/them up.

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And we should also factor in the desire of some at NASA to get funding for a huge new exciting project.

Porque no los dos?

I use the YT channel Boring Books for Bedtime.

Because nothing will put you to sleep better than somebody reading the 1897 Sears Roebuck Catalog in an ASMR voice.

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Spa music station from Sirius or IHeartRadio works for me. Also, the Calm or other meditation apps have bedtime stories. They seem to work by describing fairly meaningless or inoffensive scenes in great detail, maybe to distract your brain from the anxiety/insomnia spiral.

A few nights ago NOVA had an episode on CRISPR and it was pretty jarring. Like, I watched it 6 days ago and still can’t stop thinking about it.

They made a sincere attempt to examine the ethical issues that arise when you’re editing human genes and/or human germ lines, but the scientists/bioethicists/etc that they were interviewing came across as either supervillain evil or super naive. Honestly the whole thing felt like an effective sci fi movie.

I’ll add it to the growing grab bag of things, one of which will end our species within a few hundred years.

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In a fluke incident, my phone fell between my frame and the wall.

Given how everything’s set up, I’d basically have to tear the place apart to get it and I don’t have the tools or knowledge to fuck with furniture that isn’t mine. I bet landlords hate being contacted about this shit.

Normally, I’d say that it was a good thing since I think I’m too hooked on my phone but I got important shit on there.

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Frame for what? I guess you can’t send a pic without your phone.

Wichita thinks nunnehi should be contained. Seems a bit extreme to me. What do you think? Vote over here:

To be clear it isn’t remotely close to just me who suggested it in that thread. I am just the one that made the poll because I am tired of debating whether or not allowing a consistently abusive poster to keep it up indefinitely is a good idea.

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MSPaint, ldo

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Bed frame?