LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Venusians: Oh sure, we’re the weird ones.

Phosphine is nasty stuff. One of the labs in the engineering building used it as a semiconductor dopant. There were pretty strict controls on it but I always had my doubts. Ofc a chlorine leak could have killed me just as dead so whatever.

“When I met all these women who had had surgeries, I thought this was like an experimental concentration camp. It was like they’re experimenting with our bodies,” the detainee said.

According to Wooten, ICDC consistently used a particular gynecologist – outside the facility – who almost always opted to remove all or part of the uterus of his female detainee patients.

“Everybody he sees has a hysterectomy—just about everybody,” Wooten said, adding that, “everybody’s uterus cannot be that bad.”

“We’ve questioned among ourselves like goodness he’s taking everybody’s stuff out…That’s his specialty, he’s the uterus collector. I know that’s ugly…is he collecting these things or something…Everybody he sees, he’s taking all their uteruses out or he’s taken their tubes out. What in the world.”

Wooten also confirmed that many of the detained women have told her that they didn’t understand why they were being forced to have the procedure, explaining that some of the nurses obtained their consent “by simply googling Spanish.”

Holy motherfucking shit. Private camps and a Dr. Mengele. We’re closer to Nazi Germany than I thought.


Just came to post this.

Remember when people acted like it was overblown to call these concentration camps?


Do you put any cred into this rating scale?


1.0 This player is just starting to play tennis.

1.5 This player has limited playing experience and is still working primarily on getting the ball into play.

2.0 This player needs on-court experience. This player has obvious stroke weaknesses but is familiar with basic positions for singles and doubles play.

2.5 This player is learning to judge where the ball is going although court coverage is weak. This player can sustain a slow rally with other players of same ability.

3.0 This player is consistent when hitting medium pace shots, but is not comfortable with all strokes and lacks control when trying for directional intent, depth, or power.

3.5 This player has achieved improved stroke dependability and direction on moderate pace shots, but still lacks depth and variety. This player exhibits more aggressive net play, has improved court coverage and is developing teamwork in doubles.

4.0 This player has dependable strokes, including directional intent, on both forehand and backhand sides on moderate shots, plus the ability to use lobs, overheads, approach shots and volleys with some success. This player occasionally forces errors when serving and teamwork in doubles is evident.

4.5 This player has begun to master the use of power and spins and is beginning to handle pace, has sound footwork, can control depth of shots, and is beginning to vary tactics according to opponents. This player can hit first serves with power and accuracy and place the second serve and is able to rush the net successfully.

5.0 This player has good shot anticipation and frequently has an outstanding shot or attribute around which a game may be structured. This player can regularly hit winners or force errors off of short balls, can put away volleys, can successfully execute lobs, drop shots, half volleys and overhead smashes, and has good depth and spin on most second serves.

5.5 This player has developed power and/or consistency as a major weapon. This player can vary strategies and styles of play in a competitive situation and hits dependable shots in a stress situation.

6.0 These players will generally not need NRTP rankings. Rankings or past rankings will speak for themselves. The 6.0 player typically has had intensive training for national tournament competition at the junior level and collegiate levels and has obtained a sectional or national ranking.

The 6.5 player has a reasonable chance of succeeding at the 7.0 level and has extensive satellite tournament experience.

The 7.0 is a world class player who is committed to tournament competition on the international level and whose major source of income is tournament prize winnings.

What number on the scale do you think one would have to be to a) return one of Serena’s serves b) win one point off Serena on serve or otherwise c) return one of Djoker’s serves d) win one point off Djoker on serve or otherwise

Like I’d self assess as a 3.5 floor (out of shape, haven’t played much) with a 4.5 ceiling (when trim and have been hitting for a few months). I’m pretty confident I could return at least a few of Serena’s serves, maybe even a Djoker serve if I’m standing back and he serves it into me and I can get a swing on it. I’m less confident but still think it’s plausible that I could win a point off Serena with my serve. My serve is by far my best shot since it’s the main thing I practice (because I haven’t had anybody to hit against for years sadface.jpg). I feel like I can hit a screamer out wide that Djoker might not get to either, although this may be completely delusional. I beat a younger guy than me 6-3 6-3 a few years ago who said he played in college but was rusty. Definitely the fastest serve I had seen up until that point (one of his serves hit me on the tip of little smrk which was a top 10 pain of my life), but I hit a bunch back.



But also highly reactive. It shouldn’t be in the atmosphere in detectable amounts unless something weird is going on.

If the Venetians destroy us you can’t say we didn’t have it coming.

Maybe its produced in significant quantities and reacts off resulting in an equilibrium level. Dunno, I only did a minor in chemistry so I’m no pro, but I’m always skeptical when the asserted explanation is the “coolest” explanation.

That literally makes me sick to my stomach.

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Hey guys, not only did the 106-year-old write a lengthy response to my e-mail indicating that her memory is still incredibly sharp, she attached a five-page memoir she had written from her perspective of the night I took a beating at the cocktail party.



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I was like 4.5 first serve (when on), 3.5 ball movement/aggression/creativity, 2.5 backhand (but improving) and second serve (never bothered to work on).

The most frustrating thing was my forehand slowly going from like a 4 to a 3. I even took some lessons but that totally fucked me up - as my self-taught style was radically different (way more out in front, little spin and high - IE - wrong). I tried to use the new stroke but my partners got tired of me hitting it into the net. So I had to just accept my forehand would always suck.

Brewed 120L traditional Norwegian beer today, all alone.
For 2 celebrities on a tv series !


Very cool. Any more details you care to share?

maybe later. nda


[ ] Vote Trump out of office in 2020
[ ] Permanently ban gender reveal parties worldwide
I’m torn.

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Similar, my forehand feels worse than ever, I can only hit the ball low and in front and with top spin or inside out spin. I can’t even fathom hitting a high forehand or a flat forehand. In general though, initiating the swing earlier has helped a bit. My 1h backhand is pure against the wall but not much recent match experience in getting it off.

I’d love to know how fast I’m serving. It must be a lot slower than it feels because that tends to be the theme with amateurs who think just because they swing hard they hit hard, but I don’t know how I could hit it that much harder, I guess I’m probably cheating on fully pronating. I don’t really achieve a full vertical plane with the racquet before I snap down, it’s somewhat tilty. I used to have a few vids of me serving but that may be on a dead tablet. Too chubs atm to film, maybe next season.

That’s sort of a country club rating so randoms can sort into playable groups. Like handicap in golf. Never used it, but I recognize it.

(4.5) looks like the minimum to have a chance at a point. Serve and return of serve of pace and spin. Footwork, anticipation.
I probably topped between 5.0 and 5.5
I wouldn’t even rate my old fat ass now.

I never faced a Djokovic level serve, so I’m just guessing. Pace with crazy movement. I did face serves that I could barely return. Basically hope to block back a bloop.