LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I know it’s not MSPaint, but anytime anyone brings that up it makes me think of this


And it makes me laugh, literally every time, for years and years now.


It’s caught between the wall and the frame of the lathe.



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I love T.J. Cookier


There’s a storage compartment underneath by bed that’s about 3 feet tall. My mattress sits on the roof of it with a frame on the side. It’s in the corner of the bed and

Fuck it, I’ll MS Paint it

Your first thought is, pull it outward and turn but this thing is heavy af. Probably fuck up the floor doing that. I also wouldn’t know exactly where to grab without ripping a part off even if I didn’t care about the floor.


You can’t crawl in that storage space and get to it?

Seems like a bad idea for this to be built-in and have a gap like that. Assuming you can’t just move this whole cabinet/bed frame and there’s no access from inside of it to your phone…maybe construct a device out of wire hangers or long thin sticks to retrieve it?


Two long thin poles attached to a long piece of cloth. lay the cloth horizontally along the frame and push an edge of it down the gap, leaving the back edge always on top of the frame. Guiding the cloth with the poles try to scoop up the phone.

Could it just be knocked over to the side if you had a stick to do it? (maybe a yardstick)

Nope. It’s basically a big container under there with walls on all sides.

Possibly. There’s literally just enough room for a smartphone to fit inbetween the two. I can’t even see exactly where it is though I suspect it’s wedged at some point between the walls given the shitty construction rather than on the ground. Buying and tying some coat hangers together might work. It’ll certainly be an adventure.

If I can find exactly where the phone is and a cloth thin enough to get through the crack while being strong enough to carry the phone, this could work.

That’s the most confusing MS Paint I’ve ever seen.

Ok I think I got it. Good luck.


It’s not underneath it. If it was, I’d just pick it up because it’s wood under there.

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One time while borrowing a friends car I dropped a weed vape cartridge down his air vent (at the end of the cartridge if you warm it up you can get more hits out of it) and this is how I ended up getting it out

maybe you could blast it out with compressed air?

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If you were to ask for that specific item in a store, what would you call it?

mechanical claw pick up grabber tool

by far the worst part was going to a hardware store and being like “sooo hypothetically if you dropped “something” small in a tight area how would you get it out” and just getting ??? back and having to explain what a giant fucking dumbass you are and what you actually dropped so they understand what you’re trying to do.

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Warning gross:

Top thing looks like what the urologist stuck up my pee hole to grab a chunk out of my bladder.

If it wasn’t such a tight spot I’d suggest a wad of super-sticky caulk. But if the gap is only wide enough for a phone that won’t work.

That grabber thing is going to have a tough time holding on to glass. Maybe stick some chewing gum on the tips or something.

I used to be pretty good at getting into my car with these babies. Constantly left my keys in the ignition in college.

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Thing is that my phone has a rubber case on the back of it. Might be easier though it might scratch the phone up a bit.

Now imagine how you would try to explain that to somebody who speaks Czech as their main language and that’s what I will have to do.

Either that or wander around aimlessly not talking to anyone for fear of total embarrassment.

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Get some prep wood wedges made before using the grabber and use them to make a little more space… Use Superglue or double sided sticky tape and fix 2 flat pieces of wood/plastic to the grabber, use the sticky tape on the other side, slip into wedged space and pray. :wink:

@superuberbob do not…

Dumb question but have you tried taking the mattress off, taking the stuff out, and yanking really hard on the big storage thingy to see if it will move?