It's Worms All the Way Down: The Ivermectin Thread

The mainstream media isn’t telling you about Ivermectin because they want to protect Big Pharma’s MRNA vaccine profits!

I feel obligated to point out that hypothesis testing is garbage, and I mean even within the frequentist paradigm and not as a “Bayesian is the only real inference” dig.

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This is a massive rewriting of what was said in ivermectin’s favor and what was said about those things.

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Yes it was JT. I participated in a large multi center RCT in one site and followed an EUA at another. Insulting my work during the peak in NYC super offensive and, done this way, really stupid. That has nothing to do with ivermectin discussion.


Fucking quote me, then, taking someone to task for simply stating “There is incomplete information.”

What the hell, people.


I think for some people this isn’t about invermectin at all, but a continuation of petty personal feuds!


That’s not what happened and I’m tired of people using it as an excuse to stir up drama.

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And those petty feuds were in part a continuation of what covid has done to alot of people’s mental stability. That’s why covid is so shitty. It’s more than just the death toll.


It is kinda weird where the very mild event of ikoi getting some backlash about being worried about getting the jab, where even he said it was all good, is constantly being used by some people here are some forum outrage generator. For how small of a deal it was, it’s literally insane to me how many times it can be brought up again and again.


This forum has been universally supportive of Ikioi, especially after he explained that he has pre-existing health conditions. I’m tired of that being used as a pretext for stirring up drama.

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There were some overly harsh comments, it was talked out and it seemed to be all good. You might remember it differently than me though. In fact I’m almost positive your perception of what happened is different than mine.

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This does not accurately reflect what happened.

Edit to add: In my opinion.

It certainly wasn’t the case when he first broached the topic and before he added some context to his concern.

The problem doesn’t seem to be the subject, or the points people are making though. I actually think this has been a largely interesting and somewhat important discussion. But there is a righteous tone that quickly degrades to anger and hostility when some grow tried of the conversation that sends things sideways.

Idr if Ikioi was actually called an “idiot” but that would certainly qualify, as would making reference to “captains” or outright calling someone a POS in the last hour here.


Universally supportive:


He wasnt. There was some mild pushback that got retracted when it was explained that he has health issues that might be a legit reason for him to be worried. This shit has been completely overblown.

Once again, there is no coordinated flagging of posts on this site.

Most hidden posts only receive 1 flag and are manually hidden by the mods because that allows people to edit out whatever they said that lead to the flag in the first place and the post is magically visible again.


lol wat? Read my next few posts after that.

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Ignore the larger point and here we are