It's Worms All the Way Down: The Ivermectin Thread

It’s a pretty central issue wrt the COVID discussion in the US. Also it looks like it’s wrapping up (I think). I say, hang on for a day. It will be a pain in the ass for a mod to excise all of this shit.

Nah, man. The point is that the people who support the use of ivermectin are unambiguously bad and anyone who expresses ideas that are ivermectin-adjacent are inherently suspect.

This is a welcome distraction to actually thinking about how fucked we are with covid. And I do think it’ll wind down here soon.

This Ivermectin stuff is too important to get buried in the covid thread. Really needs its own thread imo.

I know people argue that forum drama is making people leave the site, but I actually enjoy seeing when Ive missed 100+ posts fully knowing nothing important has actually happened and then reading what minor points of contention has generated all the hubub.


I enjoy when it gets to arguing about what the argument is about.


What part of

don’t you understand?

I get it. You think he’s being dishonest or has an angle or something. We’ve now circled back to where I can ask about his cousin Pinky again.

I dont think Wookie thinks Chris is being dishonest, he just thinks that simultaneously saying that invermectin doesn’t work and that it’s of no harm for people sick with covid to take are two opinions at odds with each other.

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Depending of what you think of ChrisV’s opinion he either clarified or walked back his position to ivermectin is “close to zero EV” for COVID.

Alright, good talk, I guess. When I say I don’t know, I mean it. But, I can’t really stop you from insinuating that I’m a liar when I say that, so I guess have fun in the Captains thread working yourself into a tizzy about the evil accusations I’ve made? Or maybe about how well you’ve trolled me or whatever? Am I to expect an accusation that I made a post accusing Chris of being part of Big Horse Medicine and then deleted it?

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This is just one level down from enjoying enemas.

As someone who doesn’t visit this forum much any more (because of drama) I can tell you it sucks having to scroll thru 100+ posts in order to get to anything of importance

I scroll through it, takes a few minutes

I’m curious what of actual importance are you getting or expecting to get from this thread nowadays?

There are some very good posters here. Even ones I don’t necessarily get along with, their takes are well thought out, knowledgeable, and very resourceful insofar as I consider them a trusted source of information

I can not keep up with current events nearly as much as some here do. I simply don’t have the time. It’s nice to pop in and see what the latest scoop on covid is or any political topic that I care about

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I totally agree, but the rate at which we learn new stuff about covid is pretty glacial in comparison to the amount of posts in this thread every day.

But I still enjoy the discussion itt and follow it most days, so I’ll quietly bow out

Is Chris a Good Person or a Bad Person? Sometimes he says Good Person things, like ivermectin doesn’t work, but sometimes he says Bad Person things, like ivermectin isn’t extremely terrible. It’s very confusing!


It’s one of those spots where we need the meme about “the worst person you know makes a good point” but like, the exact opposite.


You compared ChrisV to a 911 truther and accused him of talking out of both sides of his mouth, which where I come from means lying. Meanwhile, CN has called some of the smartest people on this site dumb. You guys don’t get to claim the moral high ground on this one.

UP is bleeding into my real life. My cousin just posted this on Facebook:

I just read this from the July edition of the Lancet. If you’re considering Ivermectin, know the parameters and risks/benefits. My takeaway from this article (and I’m no expert) is that it appears to have no effect on an individual’s experience with a COVID-19 infection, but does reduce the viral load. This means it MAY reduce your ability to infect others. As the study concludes, more research is needed and on a larger scale. They did find that starting ivermectin more than 72 hours after symptoms begin is not beneficial in any way. And again, it will not likely change an individual patient’s experience outside of side-effects related to the drug (including gastric symptoms and the very unspecific term “anguish”).

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Nah, where I come from it’s more like trying to have it both ways. At best, it means the person doesn’t realize the illogical fallacy two suppositions have with each other. At worst, it means they do realize it, and are being deliberately hypocritical for the sake of convenience to win an argument

I haven’t read what this particular fuss is about, but to @CS04 this is what I’m talking about. Someone has an improper take or just one that some don’t agree with. They then unload everything including the kitchen sink at that person including taking their words out of context, putting thoughts into their head, and outright lying about what they actually believe

I’m glad they created a sub thread for this. I was going to suggest it. I like that mods here use a long leash and tolerate arduous debate even when it gets personal. I just think when it starts disrupting or completely derails a serious thread a sub thread should quickly be created so those who are not interested in the drama don’t have to scroll through the weeds to find the salient content imho