COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I’m vaxed but have concern about the long term simply because there is no way to know what if any long term complications will arise from it.

The data is clear that in the short term the vaccine is safer that covid.

Also the vaccine is most likely safer than covid in the long term as well.

I understand where you are coming from. Don’t let people beat you up over it.



Because it’s already been administered to hundreds of millions of people, and the worst they’ve found, other than a day of feeling kinda crappy, is at roughly 1 in a million chance of nontrivial complications, a much lower rate than that for other approved therapies like e.g. birth control.


It’s fine to be concerned obviously. You know the odds are better for you with the vaccine than not. Not a bad take at all. You know the odds are it’s extremely unlikely to be more than a little sick for a day or so. GL and congrats. It’s a big relief when you’re fully vaxxed.


OK we need to get a more consistent naming scheme for these variants.

Billions of doses. Massive decrease in morbidity from Covid vs the unvaxxed. Very rare negative consequences beyond a day of discomfort.

Reward-risk ratio is yuge.

Sounds like some kind of anxiety. If it interferes with you daily life, seek medical/mental health help.

or this


The Pfizer vaccine is literally one synthetic lipid (fat), and then food. mRNA is in every food we eat. The salts are in every Coca-Cola.

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Can’t wait for delta platinum—unlimited free upgrades to the ICU


Seriously, fucking lol teachers unions. They are a complete disgrace opposing vaccine mandates. Get the fuck out of here.

I felt the the same way before getting my first shot. After getting vaccinated all that anxiety went away. What helped me was I figured If the vaccine kills me and everyone else that takes it, that sucks. However that would be better then living in a world run by anti vax morons.


Coke is worse for you by far than the vaccine

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Good friend of mine bought some coke off random guy at a bar we were at in Tahoe. Went to parking garage and says “man this shit looks funny” then snorts it. Then says “damn that burns super bad.” Snorts the rest of the bag of blow over the weekend complaining each time. He refuses to get vaccinated and says I’m a moron.


While you replied to me for some reason or somehow, I said explicitly in another post that i 100 percent believed him.


They’re a few hundred notches below NFLPA so what do you expect? Do any southern states even have teacher unions anymore? I don’t think FL does, or if it does it’s a joke now.

But I mean hell even teachers know where their bread’s buttered. They want classrooms opened no matter what.

That teacher scrilla!

Apart from my vax anxiety, I’m really quite fine thank you.

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The Chicago Teachers Union has been fighting OFS all year.

I was thrilled, not even a tiny bit of fear.