It's Worms All the Way Down: The Ivermectin Thread

This forum has been universally supportive of Ikioi, especially after he explained that he has pre-existing health conditions. I’m tired of that being used as a pretext for stirring up drama.

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There were some overly harsh comments, it was talked out and it seemed to be all good. You might remember it differently than me though. In fact I’m almost positive your perception of what happened is different than mine.

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This does not accurately reflect what happened.

Edit to add: In my opinion.

It certainly wasn’t the case when he first broached the topic and before he added some context to his concern.

The problem doesn’t seem to be the subject, or the points people are making though. I actually think this has been a largely interesting and somewhat important discussion. But there is a righteous tone that quickly degrades to anger and hostility when some grow tried of the conversation that sends things sideways.

Idr if Ikioi was actually called an “idiot” but that would certainly qualify, as would making reference to “captains” or outright calling someone a POS in the last hour here.


Universally supportive:


He wasnt. There was some mild pushback that got retracted when it was explained that he has health issues that might be a legit reason for him to be worried. This shit has been completely overblown.

Once again, there is no coordinated flagging of posts on this site.

Most hidden posts only receive 1 flag and are manually hidden by the mods because that allows people to edit out whatever they said that lead to the flag in the first place and the post is magically visible again.


lol wat? Read my next few posts after that.

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Ignore the larger point and here we are

The larger point is bullshit.

That’s the tone right there. Thanks for demonstrating


I’m adding a throttle to this thread for a while since it’s getting pretty heated up.

I’m also going to toss out a blanket warning that questioning other users’ mental health, in this or any other thread, will result in temp bans going forward.

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I think one comment was overly hostile to Ilkoi, while most were just of the “come on dude it’s fine” variety. Almost everyone here has been called an idiot at least once, and if this wasn’t a personal feud wouldn’t be worth bringing up months later.


I thought it was pretty clear that I was making a light hearted joke there and I think (?) I subsequently clarified. Given the amount of sarcasm on the site I dont think its a good idea to go through threads and drag out posts like this out of context. CANCEL CULTURE RUN AMOK!

I can’t use swears now? JFC

The problem with the vaccine discourse is anti-vaxxers are by and large Qanon level lunatics who also tend to vote for Trump, and showing any doubt whatsoever about its safety makes you feel like one of those people.

Now that we have a categorically rushed vaccine without decades of vetting at scale, it’s not that crazy to at least be a little uneasy about its overall safety. I took the vaccine as quickly as I possibly could, and obviously everyone should too, but I don’t think there is anything wrong or stupid about being a little unsure about it.

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Nonsense. One flag hasn’t hidden a post for me ever on this site. Goofy’s post was flagged less than 2 or so minutes. Another post of mine was flagged 15 hours or so later at about the same time. The captains literally talked about coordinated post flagging in their thread.

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This horse paste article in JAMA is so bad that I’m not quite sure what to think. I guess the thing that sticks out the most (other than changing the purpose of the study midstream followed by completely botching treatment randomization for > 2 weeks) is their choice of hazard ratio (1.4) and concomitant effect size (3 days). Is there some clinical relevance specifically for 3 days as opposed to fewer?

Because to me it looks like they figured out this was the smallest difference they could detect with acceptable power (80% is super common) after they decided to change the course of the study. They had the numbers to detect 3 days at alpha=.05, but the observed effect of 2 days yields p <= 0.53. Boy that’s a big jump that seems highly sensitive to some discrete value knife-edging.

On the surface it looks like one of those papers that does everything they tell you not to do.

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Is it really a mystery that how you say something is as important as what you’re trying to say?

Or, in other words, stop making shit up. No one ever said you couldn’t curse. Cut the bullshit.

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