COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I got a fuckton of vaccines when I was little and now look at me. Out of shape, achy, need glasses, high blood pressure, never seen The Mandalorian. That’s some fucked up long-term effects.


Holy shit - same symptoms here! This cannot be a coincidence.

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lol, @dlk9s nailed it. Vaccines are definitely confirmed to give you a horrible, incurable case of the olds instead of dying at 26 from preventable disease.


I’m just hoping for shit that we’re still writing about like the 57 flu and not the 18 flu with all of these (as in fuck we should write about this this was bad versus HOLY SHIT terms) obviously both of those impacted younger people and this is far more older

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Unions are reactively anti management. If management wanted teachers vaccinated, all they had to do was say they wanted to ban vaccinations for teachers.

Not even counting the rest of the world right now something like 175 million Americans have gotten these vaccines, and have been getting them since safety trials started 16 months ago. If there was even the remote chance of there being some possible dangerous side effect from them…. Umm we would have found out about it by now. Also, and this bears repeating, vaccine science is over 100 years old at this point. This isn’t some newfangled thing. There is no rational reason to be worried when taking one of these vaccines right now.

I was worried when I took the vaccine too. It was the first time I had to be in a large room with a lot of other people and I really didn’t want to get Covid. That should be your only concern. Bring an N95 if you have one.


florida has teachers unions but they have no teeth. florida passed a law that if a teacher misses work to strike they are immediately terminated.

a few years ago they had a demonstration in Tallahassee where teachers used pto and went to strike and people were still trying to fire them.

We’re really dragging the Greek alphabet through the mud here

What the fuck is going on in Missouri?

Good for you man. I think you’re wrong to be worried, for the reasons others have given, but it takes courage and responsibility to do the right thing when you’re scared.


Conservatives denying reality is kind of not news. This is just Donnie Dumb Dumb’s “no testing means no bad numbers” logic applied at the household level.

It scared the crap out of me too tbh, when the vaccinations 1st came out I was a bit worried and it was nothing to do with the anti-vax stuff and more to do with the side effects.

Alough on the day I went I was up for it and alough my arm was really sore for a few days, the day after it was aching and I took the day off work and the next, then I got slight and I mean slight side effects of a cloudy head 5 days later for 24hrs, then I was fine.

And its helped me feel far better being around the public now and I’m feeling far better about going into shops, still masked up Ofcourse.

After 2 shots and with my mask on I feel pretty much normal and am willing to talk to people outside and enjoy my day far better than the previous 18 months.

I think it’s pretty normal to feel a bit of hesitation when getting a new vaccination, after all we all pretty much feel on edge whenever we get a medical procedure weather it’s a plaster or stitches.

Good Luck and go buy yourself a treat for being a big boy, seriously. :crossed_fingers:


I award you zero points, sir.


I know you mean well here, and this all most likely ends up true, but it’s not 100 percent certain yet. The rotavirus vaccine was withdrawn 1 year after receiving approval. It happens, if very rarely. Of course, after weighing everything, I got vaccinated at first opportunity. Choosing whether to vaccinate my daughter was more difficult, but ultimately we also went forward with it. But even now I still worry a little bit about it, especially since she already had covid.


Like, I guess I appreciate that he’s admitting it was a mistake, but you know, you could have just NOT signed a bill into law than bans a reasonable health and safety practice during a pandemic and is extremely difficult to reverse.

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Love the wording - I wish that had not become law. LOL.

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My friend who doesn’t trust the government but wants to wait for FDA approval of the vaccine has been diagnosed with an “upper respiratory infection”. Two or three days from getting his covid test back. Stay tuned.


Why would people who believe in freedom need a law banning a mask? It just tilts me.