COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

It is indeed regrettable that the anti mask regulation became the law. But sometimes they’ll do that.

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Has anyone asked these anti-vax, anti-mask folks what their plan is to end the pandemic?

Dear Leader said that one day it’ll disappear like a miracle.


Yah, you don’t need to ask. The answer is you ignore it and whether it exists or doesn’t exist is wholly irrelevant.


it’s even more lol that he says, well the way forward is for the law to change, or for the court to make it unconstitutional wink-wink.

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They don’t think there is a pandemic.


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Mistakes were made.

Never forget that they don’t “think” anything, they just feel stuff and spew it to feed their narcissism and addiction to outraged victimhood.

They feel Covid is a hoax because the elitists and the socialists are out to get them. They feel Covid is biological weapon because China is out to get them. They feel vaccines are poison because Socialists and Bill Gates and big pharma are out to get them. They feel Biden is a failure on vaccines because liberals are out to get them. Etc etc etc. Its all about pretending the world revolves around them, that they should always be the center of attention, that they should always get what they want , that they demand to see the manager because this alleged pandemic is simply unacceptable.


It’s classic cop speak passive voice. A kinetic law making situation occured. Officials were called to participate and mask mandates can no longer be applied. One dog expired.


First time traveling since the Before Times. Every flight packed, and while masks are required in the airport, they’re not when you are eating, because everyone knows that you can’t eat and spread covid. Pandemic confirmed OVER.


I think you mean “alleged” pandemic. Isn’t it time to consider that maybe we’ve all overreacted to this thing? That’s socialism for you!

Damn chinstrapper next to me decided it was motherfuckin snack time

Like most things Republican - make us do all the dirty work as they lob bombs the entire time, then when it’s fixed - deny it ever happened.

I just got a call from a guy I worked with a few years ago. He was looking for reassurance on the mRNA vaccines. I provided it. His appt is next Tuesday for Pfizer #1.

He fits in the nervous category. Everyone else in his family including his wife have had the shot. They mask including him.


Man, the whole bullshit ‘vaccines cause autism!’ really fucked things up for this vaccine.

Was there a lot of vaccine hesitancy prior to the whole Jenny McCarthy thing?

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Fixed that tweet.

I’m sure it existed before this, but I think it mostly skyrocketed after the 1998 Wakefield fraud:

Edit: vaccine hesitancy has been around for hundreds of years:

Negative public perception of vaccination is not a modern-day phenomenon. In1802, the English satirist James Gillray depicted the unfortunate recipients of Edward Jenner’s cowpox vaccine with bovine projections emitting from their skin and various orifices. Jenner and other early advocates of inoculation also faced theological opposition. A sermon by the Rev. Edmund Massey in 1772 (some 24 years before Jenner’s vaccination of James Phipps) denounced the ‘dangerous and sinful practice of inoculation’. Massey preached that ‘diseases are sent… for the punishment of our sins’. Even today, parents can refuse otherwise mandatory vaccines on the grounds of religious beliefs.
