COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Not that I remember.



I just mean that’s how all police reports end up. “someone was shot” but apparently not by anyone.

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I associate it more with press conferences.

The two situations aren’t even remotely comparable. Assuming you are talking about the ‘99 rotavirus vaccine, that was pulled because, after approximately 6 months in use in a much smaller population (a subset of children of a certain age), 10 cases of intussususception were reported. These cases occurred approximately 1 week after receiving the dose.

With the Covid vaccine, the vaccines have now been in trials for 16 months, and have had EUA since December. Over 175 million Americans have gotten them. If there was a side effect risk from them, we would know about it by now. People who got the shots in like December of ‘20 could maybe have this fear a bit and have it be rational. People who are getting the shots in August of ‘21 have nothing to worry about.

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Welp, nice knowing you guys. Only a matter of time before people start fucking squirrels FOR FREEDOM and spreading plague.


Bubonic plague is still a thing? I mean I knew it wasn’t eradicated but I thought it was a third-world illness.

Usually when I hear about it it’s in New Mexico.

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Nope, lots of rodents carry it. Same type of bacteria, likely very different strain

You’re not qualified to make that assessment. And FDA hasn’t even issued full approval, so presumably they are still looking at a lot of data.

Plague is such an interesting disease. Totally treatable with antibiotics, but if the doctors dont catch it and treat it within like 48 hours, yeah you’re gonna die. Horribly.

I’m more curious about the delay in approving use for anyone under 12 years old.

Had there ever been a vaccine which was considered safe and effective for adults but later found to be unsafe and/or ineffective for young children?

Figuring out correct dosage is a big part of this, especially for the younger kids.

Welp, our superintendent just posted a video with protocols for the upcoming school year. Rough, but accurate, paraphrase:
“The medical professionals unanimously voted that masks will help keep students in school. That is why we are not imposing a mask mandate - we strongly encourage parents to mask their unvaccinated children. We think that imposing a mask mandate would be too divisive and disruptive.”

My wife is upstairs losing her mind right now.


Damn right there are. My wife says this reminds her of me

Please tell me there’s a typo or something in that.


Cobb County, GA slowly creeping toward requiring masks in schools. It has been optional and still is, but we just got an update on health protocols today and the wording is now that they are optional but “strongly encouraged.”

Keep in mind that the head of the school board and a couple senior members of the board refused to put on masks during a public meeting in the middle of the pandemic last year when a teacher stood up and requested they do to honor a couple teachers that had just died a day or two before.

Also, yesterday was the second day of school and we already got a “low risk” COVID notification for my daughter’s high school (means someone has COVID but our kid doesn’t need to quarantine).

Approx 4-12 cases a year in the US