COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

This is one of those things assisted suicide should be for. Oh my plague/rabbies went untreated and now im going to die a torturous, weekslong death? Ill pass on the possible miracle, all the drugs, please!

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Fucccck, kids are gonna fucking die this school year, arent they.

Anyone have a recent 7dma for Florida? I follow the NY Times charts, and it doesn’t appear that they have Florida reporting anything since last Friday.

Edit: well this is weird but I can get the Florida numbers from NY Times, just not how I normally do it. They are only a couple hundred cases below a new record 7dma. gjge

Breaking news: Bryson Dechambeau is an idiot.


Don’t WORRY about it, how about you check on the BORDER?!?!?!


I wish. You can see it here, if you watch for about 45 seconds:

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Dude that’s a bunny.

Liberals really need to learn the power of complaining to the manager. This guy is literally saying we know this is wrong but we don’t want to deal with the complaints.

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The problem here is that there’s a completely asymmetric balance of power between the two groups. A large number of anti-mask parents communicated to the superintendent (either on the phone or via letter, not sure) that if there’s a mask mandate, they’re sending their kids to school without a mask anyway, and promising that their kids will raise holy hell if someone tries to put a mask on them.

There’s really no comparable threat that I can make - “Oh yeah, if you don’t mandate masks, I’m going to … not send my kid to school/have him wear a mask anyway”?

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I think the question we are all wondering is, is the tail attached to the dress or not.


Wouldn’t be surprised if there was no mask mandate here in Czechia. There are only a few places where masks are required in the country as it is.

I mean we started the 2020-21 school year without masks. Plus, we have an election here in October and restrictions would be super unpopular given how close the election is shaping up to be.

Speaking of my country, cases keep dropping here. In the last 7 days, there have been 10 confirmed cases per 100,000 people. There must have been a shit ton of cases that went undiagnosed here for us to have dodged the huge delta wave most other places got. Sure, 16% of the population has been diagnosed with it since the pandemic but given how immense our second wave was, I bet a lot of cases were not confirmed.

now would be the right time to call republican officials death panels.

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Florida reported 16,935 new COVID cases, 140 deaths and more than 12,000 people hospitalized in the state as of Tuesday, the third day in a row of record-breaking COVID hospitalizations as Florida hospitals temporarily suspend elective surgeries to conserve staff and make room for infected patients, the majority of them younger and unvaccinated.

I live in one of the problem areas, and healthcare seems to be simply crushed here.

My wife has been trying to get her elderly mother to a doc for excruciating back pain for two days. Can’t get her in to see her PCP either by appt or walk-in. Can’t get her in to see the guy who did her back surgery ten years ago without a new referral. Couldn’t get her seen when they walked into a back clinic advertising evaluations to walk-ins. Went to an urgent care clinic twice and the wait was an indeterminate number of hours both times so they left. Went to one ER and were told the wait would be hours and there was no place for her to lie down while waiting to be seen as all rooms were full and they had patients waiting in three different hallways to be seen by the ER. They have been considering calling an ambulance to try to get her into an ER and may end up going that route since she is driving my wife crazy. Unbelievable.

From one of the Toms on 22.

That’s fair, I think they play here is just straight up bullying. Non stop barrage of emails and phone calls, go to the guys house. I know you’re not going to do it because you’re not an asshole, but they would do it and get away with it.

Wtf is wrong with you people. It’s those assholes Chip and Dale with the plague. Not Rocky.

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Ummm err ah…

Thanks to those of you who took the time to respond publicly and even privately with (mostly) reassuring messages.

To be clear, my anxiety has mostly to do with how my own body, which has dealt with some past health issues, will respond to the vaccine, and less so with concerns about its efficacy and overall safety.

Nothing will make me happier than for you guys to all be laughing at me a few weeks from now when I report that all my fears were completely unfounded.


15 cases to 0

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