COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

It’s completely understandable. The epilepsy support group I’m in basically has daily posts about hesitation for similar reasons. Every post receives responses from everybody who got saying no problems.


It’s not in me to feel bad for people like this anymore. Amazingly it once was.

edit: #asscarrot

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Ha you must’ve seen that 5 seconds after me

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It might be the most analyzed data in the history of the world.

I gotta appreciate the troll / own the libs angle he is taking here.

Liberals claim they’re taking the vaccine because they care about other people, but if they really cared they’d refuse the vaccine and give their dose to someone who really needs it!

Is this actually true? I didn’t take it with that as my primary reason.

He is going to make a great carrot planter now.


Someone’s fishing for more pics from the furry fetish folder

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Putting aside for a moment how one may feel about these Darwin award nominees, it’s a little unsettling to see as many stories as we are about younger, seemingly healthy people succumbing during this wave. I don’t know of mortality rate is higher for younger folks with Delta, or if the media is just churning out these stories about the unvaxxed.

(He says nervously while waiting to board a full flight for a long weekend in Vegas…)

In fairness, we don’t give a hoot about all the kids that are going to get shot to death in school this year. So not caring about the ones that are about to die from COVID is just business as usual, unfortunately.


“But he was left in intensive care after catching coronavirus, and told his consultant before he was ventilated that he wished he had been vaccinated. His twin said his death was “a tragedy”.

“He thought if he contracted Covid-19 he would be OK. He thought he would have a mild illness. He didn’t want to put a vaccine in his body. His was pumped full of every drug in the hospital. They threw everything at him,” McCann said on Twitter.“

Great point. Delta should not be trifled with.

My impression was that delta was weaker than the original. After all, a virus that isn’t so severe can be carried around to more people and spread more effectively by a person.

The number of deaths per capita has dropped dramatically in the Czech Republic. During the peak of the pandemic, we maxed out at 261 deaths in a day.

Now, we’ve had 69 people die of covid in the last 2 months. I’m sure that’s in part due to better treatment and fewer hospitalized people but the deaths aren’t piling up like in the past.

It doesn’t have to be less deadly to spread more efficiently. If it binds better to receptors, increases viral load in the pharynx, or survive in smaller respiratory droplets longer, then it will transmit better. The shitty thing about covid is a fairly large part of the contagious period is before and right at the onset of mild symptoms. Killing the host doesn’t matter one way or another if the transmission period is before the host is violently sick.

Edit: Original SARS made people insanely sick very quickly, and there wasn’t any reports of asymptotic spread that I recall. Since you were fine, then felt like you were dying, there wasn’t time to hang out at the bar with the sniffles spreading the virus.


It has the potential to be orders of magnitude worse.

Edit: Holy shit, I looked up the stats while writing this post and I’m wrong. Jesus.


It spreads faster and seems to cause more disease in young/healthy individuals.

As noted with the two phases with delayed severe illness, there is no evolutionary pressure to attenuate (weaken). It jumps hosts with a high R before the current host becomes ill.

So far it seems infectivity and morbidity seem to be going hand in hand. The only reason it may seem less deadly is due to vaccination.

I’m guessing here, but I think the faster spread has led to local saturation (akin to highly localized herd). That could be why we see rapid spikes followed by rapid declines.

It’s also why I’m especially worried about large daily gatherings of unvaccinated people. Say those under 12 years old.