COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Good thing we’re not doing that any time soon!

And if we did, surely we’d require masks for these children and vaccinations for adult staff.


I mean, this is way more likely to be caused by the vaccine than by Delta being less deadly, right?

Probably just a con.


Yes. a variant that impacts the young more severely but can’t kill the vaxxed old is going to have a lower overall fatality rate.

It seems most if not all countries have done a good job of prioritizing the highly vulnerable for vaccination.

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Really happy my wife took the virtual position…

61 fourth-graders in Indy school to quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure

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Pretty much no one who is worried about the vaccine going in their body gives the same scrutiny to everything else into their body. I suspect the number is near zero.

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I had a friends wife back in the day that was campaigning at a NYE party about vegetarianism, some water issue, all while smoking.

To be fair. Cancer got her in her 40s.


Some people think animal killing is bad but still smoke tobacco.

I’m not passing judgement. I drink too much soda and not enough veggies.

Point is we are all probably hypocrites when it comes to what we put in our bodies.


You can still decide to do opiates and drugs or die from sugar overdose or whatever and not eat animals and not be a hypocrite.

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I was wiping down bottles of booze I had purchased with Clorox wipes at the start of the pandemic. That felt a little strange.


I guess we aren’t understanding each other. I’m not trying to criticize, apologies if it’s coming across that way.

I’m worried about this vaccine but I shoot heroin is kind of the extreme. Irrational assignment of risk.

Same thing happens with money.

We will buy 3 of something to get the 3/$1 deal on a 35 cent item but then turnaround and blow 10s 100s or more rather than drive across town on a new appliance.

Prana’s point is just that the vegetarian may not care about the heath impact of eating meat at all, they may just not want to murder animals.



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And I got that. I was approaching vegetarianism from the purported health aspects, not morality. That’s what I meant by “not passing judgement”.

Reading comprehension goes both ways.

Let’s be slower to be offended. Ok?

Was I offended?

I’m not at all surprised by your saying that’s what you meant. I thought you might have gotten it, but “no passing judgement” doesn’t express the fact that you weren’t suggesting that it was somewhat inconsistent to worry about the health impact of eating meat compared to smoking.

prana was obviously thinking that’s what you still meant, and your words didn’t imply that it wasn’t.

I just thought I could quickly make things clear between you.

And I did.

Never offended.

Still not.

All my first post said is that it wasn’t a health issue for some people. It was them not wanting to kill animals. Then, you said you don’t eat enough veggies and too much sugar. Then said we are all hypocrites in what we put in our bodies. How is her smoking tobacco make her a hypocrite? Is it meat or something?

I think maybe @prana was. You were just trying to help w clarity. Thanks to you and apologies for any stepped toes to him.