COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I don’t know. Look I totally get where you are coming from gloating over random right wing people dying an ugly death of stupidity… but that obviously can’t extend to the people who screwed those people. This guy is one of the people who directly caused those patients you’re seeing to die of COVID.

Him dying of COVID is as close to justice as we’re going to see in this lifetime. Imagine how different your ER would be right now if the conservative leaders had, instead of casting doubt on the vaccines, made it into a competition about how conservatives are super smart and organized and got vaccinated faster than liberals. Imagine if they had done the same for masks. Hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved.

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Getting my first shot three days from today. I know it’s the right thing to do and you fully vaxxed people seem just fine, but I’m not gonna lie: it scares the crap out of me.


Can’t wait to hear my mother complain about this

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Pretty much any antivax person can get a photo of a vaccine card for their phone. That’s much easier than just getting a fake card which is still quite easy.

Having said that, it’s not like I have any better ideas.

Why does it scare you?

I heard vaccines cause autism. Be careful out there!

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Of course, no one is in favor of it in principle. However, if it were enacted, GOP would be ded, which would be great. That’s why it’s fun to daydream about. Obviously it’s never happening.



I don’t think it’s unreasonable to have concerns about the impact of a quickly rushed-out vaccine on one’s long-term or even short-term health, even while consenting to get it as the better of two undesirable options.


Man I love your posting but this is such a horrible take. Yikes.


I can’t believe that’s not trolling.

I mean I’m getting the vaccine and I’m certainly no anti-vaxxer. And I’d rather take my chances with the vaccine than with COVID. In an ideal world I’d prefer neither.

But what is incorrect about being concerned about the vaccine’s potential impact on my health?


Sure. Its also reasonable I guess to worry that every time you get on the highway you might die. But the relative intensity of the feeling vs the risk tells you that something irrational is in play. I dont really blame you, because its natural to have fear of new things that is disproportionate to the actual risk. That’s just human.

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I get your point. I guess I’m more sensitive to things concerning my physical health because I’ve had some health issues in the past.


My kid did virtual school last year (7th grade) and can’t wait to go back for her final year of middle school. She’s fully vaccinated. Should I send her back to in-person school or do one more year of virtual? Degree of difficulty: Florida

Wasn’t trying to troll or be a contrarian. My day’s drawing close and I’m grateful for it, but rational or not it does scare me and I was just trying to express that.


I’ve never read a dishonest post from you. That was part of the reason for me saying that. I totally believe you.


I’m vaxed but have concern about the long term simply because there is no way to know what if any long term complications will arise from it.

The data is clear that in the short term the vaccine is safer that covid.

Also the vaccine is most likely safer than covid in the long term as well.

I understand where you are coming from. Don’t let people beat you up over it.



Because it’s already been administered to hundreds of millions of people, and the worst they’ve found, other than a day of feeling kinda crappy, is at roughly 1 in a million chance of nontrivial complications, a much lower rate than that for other approved therapies like e.g. birth control.