COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I don’t.

I’m not saying this fucker doesn’t deserve it, but a quick death might convince a small number of people to take this seriously and get vaccinated. Plus dead people don’t use up valuable hospital resources.


I, for one, would not put it past Phil Valentine’s family to claim he is in worse condition than he’s in so they can grift off his miraculous recovery.


This is bullshit man. Is there no way where we can just say that covid has the least priority in hospitals and you don’t receive treatment unless there is a spot for you (and not the other way around)? The unvaxxed people are saying that covid is no big deal, so let’s take them at their word and leave them on the streets (in places where 100% of people have had the opportunity to get vaxxed obv).


“On the streets” would probably be bad, but maybe we can let all the kids out of those Texas migrant facilities and stick unvaxxed COVID patients there.


It is doable, it just hasn’t been done. Esssentially the states databases don’t talk to each other correctly.

Letting the bodies pile up on the streets would be the opposite of bad. It might actually make the 150 million or so Americans who think it’s fake wake up.

Nah it wouldn’t there would always be some fucked up conspiracy to avoid reality for them who am I kidding.

Nah, those bodies would always be those of the RINOs who secretly got the vaxx while pretending they didn’t, unless it was someone known personally, in which case it’s the libs’ fault.

Ok number 1: fuck olol for reasons probably not generally known

Number 2: no leaving people to die on the street is not acceptable

People are dying from lack of treatment right now if the DanSpartan video from earlier is to be believed. Seems like the anti-vaxxers should be first in line to suffer that fate.

And no I don’t seriously want people to die on the street so that we are clear.

Phil Valentine’s risk assessor license has been suspended for gross negligence and irony.

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They would all be labeled crisis actors for sure.

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I don’t want them in the street. Rather they be at home.

(Seriously I don’t want anyone to die, but if health care is being rationed, those assholes can be at the end of the line. Take 2 HCQ and call me in the morning if you survive).

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Fucked around:

Found out:

Spiffy’s Restaurant and Bakery in Chehalis closed its doors for the last time on Sunday, announcing a permanent closure after 50 years of serving diner food to travelers off of Interstate 5. The owner, Rod Samuelson, cited difficulties hiring people amid the nationwide labor shortage and issues with food deliveries as reasons for closing.

Anti-lockdown protesters later rallied at the restaurant in defiance of Gov. Jay Inslee’s mandates. Prominent members of Washington’s Republican Party expressed their support for Samuelson and the restaurant remaining open.

The state’s Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) later imposed a hefty $400,000 fine on the restaurant for breaking the rules, and a judge later issued an order that the restaurant cease all indoor dining. Samuelson said that the fines were later reduced to $240,000. It is unclear how much of the fines have been paid.

Also, an old coworker of mine what grew up in that area worked there for a short time. Said the owner was a misogynistic sexual harrassing piece of shit.

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It was, and Michael Savage

Ive been thinking about this ever since his brother started making statements.

If there is one thing the family of a righr wing radio host will understand, its the grift.

Yeah, THATS why nobody would come work for you


Really? That makes me feel a little better, but I’ve heard of ppl waiting 8 hours in the sun to get vacced so I assume the actual rates are low. They’re also vastly under reporting cases as we have 8.9k deaths from 52.8k cases. So I agree that they’re gonna report what best keeps the border open and tourists coming.

I guess it depends on how you define easy access. This is all anecdotal but they seem to do vaccines through large centers instead of through pharmacies and whatnot like in the US. You also just have a day and not a specific time. So you may be miles away from the closest center and be waiting most of the day.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m crossing the border twice to get this done and don’t have much sympathy for people who can get it but won’t. But I see this as similar to voting access where someone who won’t take 20 minutes to mail a ballot in Oregon isn’t the same as someone who doesn’t want to wait 4 hours to vote in an urban district.