COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

no, none of the official reasons I’ve heard about not doing vaccine passports have been around technical limitations, it’s all out of fear that it will incite some sort of backlash. just like the “if we nominate bernie they’ll call us RADICAL LEFTISTS” I got news for ya buddy, they’re gonna do that regardless


What a ride.

not happy about having to post this, but it probably needs to be critiqued because it’s obviously an attempt to make himself look better

This is ripe to be turned into a Vince McMahon reaction meme.



i feel like you are all just queueing up your eventual posts to the terrible people thread here. which should be against norms, and y’all should be banned for jinxing.

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Yeah if he needs ecmo he’s a dead man. Good fucking luck finding an ecmo open to save your dumb ass. That shit is going to used to be healthy 30-40 yo.


Sometimes you push all in with 9,5 and you get there. Usually you go bust. When 100 grifters do it 20% become legends. To them it’s the thrill of the game.

So ecmo is a thing where they basically suck the blood out of your body, use a machine to do the job of the lungs (mainly oxygen in, carbon dioxide out), and then use a pump to push the blood through your body. It’s a super specialized thing that only a few hospitals have and, frankly, should not be used on covid patients. It should be used on stuff that is reasonably likely to be reversible. The damage to his lungs is likely to severe to have a chance at a good outcome.

If he’s on ecmo, that means he’s going to die. His spO2 is probably hanging out in the 60s/70s on maxed vent settings. It can take longer than you would think to die like that


I sure hope it takes a long time :wink:

This sounds bad for him. Good!

[quote=“CaffeineNeeded, post:7795, topic:4761, full:true”]
If he’s on ecmo, that means he’s going to die. His spO2 is probably hanging out in the 60s/70s on maxed vent settings. It can take longer than you would think to die like that [/quote]
This sounds good!

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I guess that’s the line for me. Don’t feel a damn thing for this guy, definitely smiling a bit.

I think that’s probably not good.


I know we shouldn’t do it but we really need a Phil Valentine meme thread because he’s a piece of shit that deserves it.

How it started:

How it’s going:



100% agree. Stop wasting limited resources on them. Save the hospital beds for non-covid patients and vaccinated positives if they need medical care.

Remember the initial nursing home outbreak in Wa? One of the ED docs at the hospital that got crushed from that got covid and was transferred to my wife’s hospital for ecmo. Dude came out of it pretty good. Another of my patients managed to find an ecmo bed in Oregon and did ecmo → lung transplant (yeah rich family who’d have figured). Otherwise I don’t know of anyone who came out of it alive.


Don’t know much about this Phil Valentine guy, but I remember hearing him on the radio from time to time when I lived in Nashville 20 years ago. I think it was the same station that carried Glenn Beck.

I think those are perfectly valid emotions for gigantic assholes like that who have actively caused harm.

That should be almost zero. Baja California is one of the few states that Mexico claims is fully vaccinated. I suppose that probably means that everyone had their chance, and maybe 30% took them up on it. The USA really wanted that border opened up and sent like 1.35 million Johnson and Johnson vaccines there. My girlfriend wanted one, but you need proof of residence.

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