COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

civil fine them to death. $1,000 first occurrence of used forged docs.

Just make it the Voter ID that Republicans have wanted all along.

Even Trump Jr is on board:


Cause or effect?

(Just posting for the yuks, did not read about the methodology).

None, if it is done right, but since the Feds punted this logistically this is likely to be half a nightmare to execute if just show your vax card isn’t an option. For leisure, meh, if people can’t go to restaurants for awhile for bureaucratic reasons whatever, but hard to extend beyond that without doing a lot of work that is we haven’t done yet





I sent my friend a TikTok of an exasperated doctor explaining why they might know more about certain things than a Facebook meme.

He told me he has had patients give more grief over the vaccine this year and arguments against science than he experienced in the previous 17 years combined.

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People always say Louisiana is the San Francisco of the south.

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FWIW I don’t think I’m in favor of requiring vaccination to be able to vote. I don’t think I’m in favor of any “you’re not allowed to vote unless…” stuff. Being required to prove you’re vaccinated to go to a concert or to fly is NOT the same as requiring it to vote.


At least he will know better for the next global pandemic.


Was in a few stores today and masking was probably 20% at best, including myself.

Louisiana obviously sucks overall because vast parts of it are a third world country, but I like New Orleans a heck of a lot more than SF.

Blacks can’t have birthdays.

It’s funny a couple months ago I mentioned here that a lady I know is having her birthday party in august and was requiring vaccinations and masks. Seemed maybe excessive at that time to some but now she is considering not even having it.

All of this is so tiresome and that amplifies the frustration caused by those who have never taken it seriously. Where we are at as a civilization is mostly an own goal at this point.

To be fair he is one of the only decent human beings to be president. The job doesn’t really attract decent people nor does the process to get there.

Restaurants obviously also have a huge incentive to not check very hard.

It would have to get where they authorities are running sting operations and shutting bars and restaurants down - like they do for allowing underage drinking - which would be a total nightmare.

Follow France’s lead (ya rly):

Seen elsewhere: fines up to €10,000 and prison for six months (!) for violations.


12,000 new cases in a population of 126.3 million. Florida says “hold my beer.”