COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

That’s a fair point. At least they are doing something. I still don’t see how a September deadline will accomplish much short term. I’d be stunned if we weren’t on the backside of Delta by then. In the long run it will help though assuming they follow through with it as this won’t be the final Covid wave most likely.

Yeah I had the same thought. Like when MA mandated the flu vaccine last year for schools and some other things. Kept extending the date and then dropped it

EDIT: this also has to survive a court challenge. Have held up so far, but we will see how the courts react to this.

This should include athletes who choose not to get vaccinated being unable to participate in NYC as well

You have to at least hand it to the GQP that they’re consistent. Not sure why dems can’t ask themselves “How does doing this thing look to my constituents? Is it congruent with what I’m telling them”. Meanwhile, GQP folks are on TV doing performative art and telling their constituents not to get vaxxed, not to wear masks, and are congruent in their actions in also not (supposedly) getting vaxxed or wear masks. Meanwhile dems are out there telling people to get vaxxed and wear masks and are flying to DC (texas dems) without masks on, and Obama is throwing a fucking party.

JFC, I’m pissed off over this and I don’t have any work to do. Likely more rants coming throughout the day.

I think part of the issue is what grown ass man even has a big birthday party for himself anyway? Know colleagues who have delayed their weddings multiple times for COVID and are going through with it now even though they realize it might be a bad idea rather than delaying again. But a birthday party, lol?


I am not a fan of the National Post (this is Canada’s conservative paper) but I like this headline.

This could actually save lives, they have a big conservative audience.

Talk about movies that couldn’t be remade today. Yikes!

I’m seeing some indications a picture of your vax card is sufficient.

My favorite local example of this was DC recently reinstituted indoor mask mandates effective at 5 a.m. last Saturday [announced a few days before]. In the comments of a blog post about the new rules, someone said “I wonder why it starts at 5 a.m.? Maybe [Mayor] Bowser wants to see Chapelle?”

Sure enough, on Friday night pictures show up on social media of an unmasked Bowser hanging out with Dave Chapelle before his standup set at a sold out venue…


I sort of hope that’s the way this works but also understand the forgery concerns. The big drawback of the mass vax sites, if you went to CVS and lose your card easy to fix gonna be a bitch from these sites, have to call the jacked up state health department

People should be being told to keep their vax card in a safe place where they would keep their passport or other important documents. A digital copy/picture of it should be sufficient for proof in places where that matters. Hopefully both of those things are happening.

California can verify your vaccine online pretty easily.

And in beating a dead horse, turns out covid is still spreading in kids

Well you can’t really do that if you have to carry it to enter a NYC restaurant as a visitor, but I agree

Not the only thing hot stuff fixes


Seems like verification within a state pretty easy, doing it out of state more complicated, based on how the few digital passes enacted to date have worked

I mean, sure some people will cheat but it’s still far better than nothing, they at least have to go to the trouble of cheating and many won’t even try that out of sheer laziness.

Thinking about the horrible memes substituting in bad status for stars fo David, etc

The difference here is that the non vaxxers are literally killing themselves.

Just another reason to root for the worst for the militant anti-vaxxers.


Where is the profit margin here?


if people are actually going to start requiring proof of vax to do things, what’s the downside of actually making a robust verification process (e.g. a “vaccine passport”)??? Yes deplorables will complain about MUH FREEDUM but they’re going to do that anyway so take away their ability to cheat.