COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun


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Absolutely incredible video. It was hard not to get choked up for me. Worth the 4 minutes.


Mid-September? There is a very good chance Delta has already burned through most of the vulnerable and we are on the back side of this wave by then. Why the fuck wouldn’t you do this much sooner.

Probably related to the start of the school year

And the only good President.

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in b4 someone says FDR

Wouldn’t you want to incentivize everyone getting vaxed long before the actual start date for school? I mean here is what I don’t get about this situation. We are in a literal emergency in large swaths of the country. Oklahoma has ZERO empty ICU beds. That video Dan posted above is likely reality here as well. And look I get the GOP ghouls are never going to do another thing to combat Covid. They have completely surrendered to it. What I am deeply disappointed in is the lack of any real leadership from the Dems on this issue. It’s time to put the mask mandates back into place and start requiring vaccine cards to enter restaurants and gyms yesterday, not 6 weeks from now.


I agree it should all be done ASAP. Just saying that the explanation that this date was chosen is likely tied to the start of the school year, which is also the deadline for city employees to be vaccinated or have mandatory testing.

I wasn’t ranting at you to be clear. You are probably right on the motivation. It’s still enormously frustrating.

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I think you are correct. This thing is going to move fast. The size of the spike and the suddenness of the downturn will be shocking. The extra deaths (all causes) due to overwhelmed systems….

Maybe we should just triage the unvaxxed with Covid. Send them home to pray.

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And look I kinda get the whole “Covid precautions are a political loser” thing. But it’s hard to see how that matters when the Dems are massive political losers anyways and likely to get absolutely destroyed in 2022 and beyond. Maybe try fucking doing the right thing for once politics be damned. Actually lead. In my opinion saving lives is worth an election or two they are likely going to get devastated in anyways.

But why do the right thing and save lives and lose elections when you can do the politically advantageous thing and still lose elections?!?!


I guess my parents’ pastor that I rage posted about the other day is on death’s doorstep. My parents said they got an urgent text for prayers last night because he was being ventilated. I checked the church’s FB page and they had packed maskless services this last Sunday literally while their pastor is dying from not being vaccinated or taking Covid precautions. I’m rooting for the virus at this point. That guy is a fucking murderer and him dying is a net positive as maybe a few people in his cult will wake the fuck up and get vaccinated. In a fair world he would die a long and miserable death. Maybe that makes me a bad person but I’m fucking fed up with this situation. I’m fed up with constantly worrying about my brainwashed family and when they will end up at the hospital with Covid and/or die. The people ringleading this shit deserve the worst possible outcome.


I’m with you. Once my kid gets vaccinated, I’ll be rooting for anybody unvaxxed to catch it quick and let’s get to herd immunity as quick as possible. Fuck these people that refuse to anything to help end this. I’m done with them, and I find myself actively rooting for the derps on my facebook feed to catch it and have a difficult time with it. I mean, fuck this lady:


NYC doing all this for mandatory vaccine passes and yet one shot qualifies, why?

Wonder how this works for out of towners. Got vaxxed at a mass vax site so gonna be a pain in the ass to carry around since losing it is a real issue

Yeah, not sure why it’s not being done earlier in NYC…only things I can think of is the number of “performances” is still limited, I think, and Broadway is opening up in September. Also, during summer outdoor dining is still an option for those not comfortable indoors. Mid-September weather can start to get more iffy.

Not that any of these are great reasons. The cynic would say it’s mid-September because Delta may have already ripped through by then, and if cases are back to low levels, they can perhaps rescind the mandate.

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I think the NYC vaccine rule is just a strong incentive for all but the most stubborn to get their vaccines relatively soon rather than a logically consistent health protocol…… which is not great but better than literally every other jurisdiction in the country?

Some strange coincidences pointed out in this Twitter thread

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Hey asshole. No, they don’t realize. Fuck the nuance. How about politicians and leaders do some thinking before they do this shit. Like hey, I never stopped wearing a mask because my daughter still has to wear one and it doesn’t make a lot of sense to her to try to explain why she has to wear one and I don’t. And I’m just a fucking normal idiot, not a yale/harvard/duke/columbia graduate. I went to fucking community college, you fucks.