COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Well, the Olympics were a very bad idea.


Yikes. I can’t imagine what the US curve would look like wo 70% of adults having at least one shot. (Yeah I know, just look at most states in the south).

I really worry about daily gatherings of the unvaxxed, especially in many places also unmasked when primary education starts back up over the coming weeks.

Republicans getting mad about Obama’s birthday party

The Lambda Lambda Lambda (“Tri-Lam”) variant was very diverse. We need to watch out for the Omega Mu variant, which really carries some weight.


I posted a meme about this up thread,so my nerd pony studded your pony’s girlfriend in the funhouse.



Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, a senior Republican in the House, suggested in a tweet Monday that Democrats would treat such an event as dangerous if it were held by former President Donald Trump.

Mr. Obama’s gathering will take place outdoors and will follow all local, state and federal health protocols, including a testing regime managed by a public-health professional, according to a person familiar with the plan.

Remember when Trump held events following health protocols and with COVID-testing regimes? Not to mention that there’s basically no chance that anyone attending is unvaccinated.

My point is not really about Obama but our politicians (who are suppose to be our leaders) not leading by example was a problem last year.


Lead by example and don’t do this shit right now.



? It seems like this is leading by example. We’re not living in a world where you have to choose between YOLO and lockdown isolation - we should be encouraging people to live their lives in a safe and responsible way, and demonstrating how to do that. An outdoor party where everyone is tested seems to fit perfectly with that.


I suspect they actually think they are leading by example, showing how we are now able to do these outdoor gatherings because the Biden admin has done such a great job with the pandemic. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! THREE CHEERS FOR THE CDC!

Leading by example could also mean not doing things that the average American does not have the means to do.

Lol at thinking Obama GAF. The only time he came back from windsurfing was to shank Bernie.


Are Obama’s friends going to be traveling from all over the country to attend or do they all live in Martha’s Vineyard?


Jimmy Carter has been the only good ex-President in my lifetime.


What about W? He paints pretty pictures!

I don’t know - I wasn’t invited.

Maybe I’m out of consensus, but it seemed reasonable to me to think that vaccinated individuals could travel for recreational purposes. And I think it’s absolutely modeling the right thing to host an outdoor party among confirmed negative individuals.

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For fucks sake, can we get some fucking politicians in this country that aren’t fucking morans (other than the squad)? Hey Obama, it’s a bad fucking look when you have the entire left side of political spectrum and even some of the right screaming at people to get vaccines, while you throw a 500 person party. Yeah, everybody is probably vaxxed and likely will get tested, but nuance isn’t really a thing that the American people understand. Instead, my social media feeds are full of derps yelling about “ohhh, the delta variant is soooooooo scary. So scary that Obama is throwing a big party super spreader event. This whole covid thing is a hoax.”

Way to set the example so that Johnny Unvaxxed Derp and his 12 friends don’t go to Applebees to celebrate his 37th birthday.

Between Obama and Newsome going to the french laundry in the height of Covid. WTF? Shit, maybe covid is a hoax and everybody is just dying from the flu!

Jesus fucking christ. I need a @Riverman rant on this.