Is it bad for the media to call out lying and police misinformation?

Is this the “enemy of the people” derail?

Right but it’s not the journalists’ fault in most of these cases in small markets. They want to do a decent job, and they make like 18-38K and are desperately trying to get by in many cases.

Of the journalist being good. Your gripe is a rightful one, but it’s with the owner not with most of the journalists busting their asses for no money and getting death threats due to rhetoric.

It does because the randos covering local sports are getting threats and harassment because of the rhetoric about “the media.”

From now on I’ll phrase it like this: the big media corporations are enemies of the people, not the journos themselves. They’re just people who happen to have audiences because their outlooks align with the institution’s agenda.

That is, NBC is an enemy in its current form, not that a news company is an inherent enemy. The press is supposed to be an important ally.

I’m not talking about NBC anchors here, I’m talking about people at local tv stations and newspapers covering city hall and high school football for $30K a year and getting threats.

What’s your point, that we shouldn’t talk about how the conglomerates are evil because that might inspire some lunatics out there to harm their local sports reporters? I would have to disagree with that.


Opened thread, saw Keeeed was 2nd post, suspected what was going to happen, scrolled down through a few more posts, yup… Mute.

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Read the disclaimer, knew to stop, read on anyway with predictable results.

My point is that people should be more specific than just declaring “the media” or “journalists” evil, because local media are getting a significant amount of death threats over the last few years. I have a friend who’s a sports reporter who has had two stalkers in the last three years, and God knows how many threats.

The rhetoric matters. Talk about corporate media, media ownership, media conglomerates, etc.

You should try to quarantine me if you want to label all threads I am active in.


Maybe you should just self-isolate for 14 days or until producing two consecutive negative tests.

lol Ted fking Cruz and you think this is censorship

Call him by his proper name of Reek