The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

well i guess they are balancing their range after reporting on hillarys emails constantly in 2016 but they still have time to give trump some assists before the election

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Welp, this thread is AIDS today. Good job!


Here’s a typical journalist. She’s trying to be a champion of the people in her community, and her corporate overlords fired her three days before her wedding from her $36K a year job for speaking out about their cutbacks.


I think when most people on here talk about media they talk about the mainstream media (Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc) and not journalists working for local networks, although I have gripes with some of them too since a lot of local media is being consolidated.

But also what you just posted shows exactly how media sucks, they fired her for being a good journalist and reporting against the powerful. This happens constantly and the way you move up in that industry is by not rustling too many feathers with good reporting that sides with the people


And this is supposed to be an example of the media being good?


JFC by “they” I mean national political media, not the rando covering HS football. Does this really need clarification?

The media is a giant part of why this country is an evil shithole descending into dystopia. You’ve all read Manufacturing Consent and I doubt anyone will argue that it has improved since then.


Oops you accidentally replied to him.

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Journalists and media figures in this country are legitimately fucking terrible at their jobs and largely serve to further entrench corporate power. This is not a right wing derp hysteria site and everyone knew what Riverman meant. The derail is dumb and bad





It seems pretty likely Barr and Rudy both got the Trump virus and are just trying to power-lie their way through it.


Seriously wtf lol…if you’re one of the good ones, you get fired. QED the media is wonderful

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It doesn’t help that they, themselves, are exclusively for profit entities. I think this falls into the general category of America’s deep seated blind spot for things that are done better elsewhere. It is possible to have a well funded state sponsored media entity that competes with private sector news media. Americans always say oh, no, that can’t possibly work, without knowing anything at all about publicly funded news outside of the US.




Ok, that ad is just a biiiit over the top.


How hopeless is the institution?

Is journalism bad
  • like the GOP says the government is bad
  • like Unstuck says the police are bad
  • like mayo
  • Other (explain)

0 voters

Journalism in the US will be hopeless when Trump 2.0’s buddies either buy up or shut down all the dissenting media. As bad as things are right now - Russia has nothing like even CNN - and it makes all the difference.

To me the last two big steps toward fascism that haven’t been crossed yet in the US - are killing dissenting media, and the ability to kill/jail political enemies on command. Once those two things happen, everything else can be leveraged into or out of existence.

Remember how fast neteller went from being defiant to instantly caving just because their ex-founders had to spend a weekend in the federal lockup?


To explain my “other” vote, coverage of national news by the MSM is a huge positive for the country and we would be a lot better off if the rest of us stopped with the media fragmentation and relied on them. They are the main institution more interested in accuracy than pushing an agenda.

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I think the main evil that’s driving all this is the pro it motive and how profits are made by these media outlets. So much greater influence seems do be placed on clickbait of similar headlines and stories that manipulate our emotions to get clicks. This motive does not align with what most people think of as good journalism. That’s the main problem. Success has become purely about profit, but as we see profit does not necessarily have a positive correlation with good journalism so the signals are fucked up. One thing I’m hopeful about that might better align quality of journalism with profit is Patreon or similar services.