The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Hoarse Whisperer is on point as usual

But this reply nails it



Wait, who are these guys? Whereā€™s Artemi Panarin?


I wish I was surprised. I am at a complete loss for words to describe the media in this country. Trump is right about one thing, they absolutely are the enemy of the people.


They say they are the people, whatever that means :man_shrugging:


Did anyone here donate to them or cause someone to donate to them?


This is vile, destructive and dangerous rhetoric when used by anyone. Including you. Plus you amplify Trumpā€™s message. The media is not perfect. There is no doubt of that. But describing them as ā€œthe enemy of the peopleā€ diminishes you.


Maggie Haberman knows exactly what sheā€™s doing. There is absolutely no defense for it. Obviously Iā€™m not advocating for anything bad to happen to her other than being excommunicated from journalism and laughed at forever.


Its not obvious. Please donā€™t use that term.

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It also bothers me that the actions of one journalist are immediately taken as a reason to condemn the entire profession. Iā€™m totally fine with any complaints with Maggie Haberman, as they are deserved. But why do you extend your grievance to everyone in the profession? Using that logic for every profession would likely mean that everyone is every profession is the ā€œenemy of the peopleā€.


She isnā€™t the reason heā€™s condemning the entire profession. Rather, itā€™s because virtually the entire fucking profession sucks, and what she did is only one of countless modern examples.


And there are countless examples of good journalism. Regardless, the use of that term inspires threats and violence aimed at the media. Weā€™ve seen it. Repeating the term is easily construed as an endorsement of the threats and the violence. I canā€™t stop you from using that term. But it diminishes you. Period.


If the NYT, WaPo, etc were otherwise filled with talented journalists who speak truth to power we wouldnā€™t be having this discussion. Thereā€™s nothing sacred about ā€œthe mediaā€. They are people who are paid to distribute messages. The people who pay them have interests that are directly adverse to their consumers. As do the people who these media members turn to as sources. As do the advertisers who support all of it. As do the organizations that give awards and host girls night galas to celebrate Kellyanne fucking Conway getting a job at the White House. As do the holding companies that purchase newspapers around the country and decimate their staffs.

Like, we all agree that Amazon is a literal scourge on our society that spends millions and millions of dollars to propagandize the public and lobby lawmakers so they can keep on being awful. But Washington Post is cool? Wtf


And theyā€™re like oh no there are skunks insard

The reuploads will continue until heart giving improves.

Which reminds me, @m_reed05 can we get an update?

POTUS BOWL 2020: A MEME IS A WISH YOUR <3 MAKES - #2216 by m_reed05

So I put up a large Biden sign a few weeks ago. It was gone within two days. I put up another regular Biden sign and yesterday my mailbox gets smashed.

Once I get my hands on another big Biden sign Iā€™m wiring it to an electric fence charger. I also have a camera on it and my mailbox now.


Apparently you are unfamiliar with the posting style of Riverman. Over the top rage, id, hyperboleā€¦


I donā€™t know if thatā€™s the exact phrasing we should use, but the Overton window needs to shift. Right now moderates and independents think CNN and the major networks are all liberally biased. Thatā€™s killing us, and itā€™s because we are in an asymmetrical battle.

The GOP: liberal lamestream fake news media

Dems: Nah theyā€™re fair and nonbiased

Idiots: Hmmm truth must be somewhere in the middle


This is a bad take. Off the top of my head the NYT is dropping all those Trump finance and tax articles. That doesnā€™t compute with your post.


Well sheā€™s employed by the national paper of record (or one of the two). So itā€™s not isolated to her, and letā€™s not pretend this isnā€™t one example of many.

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It is much worse than this. Anyone thinking Chippa has a good point here might want to take a stroll through the ā€œpontificate about the mediaā€ thread and get back to us. There is systemic normalization of reactionary, grievance-based right wing politics in this country by every major news outlet.


Nice freeroll for Barr.


Iā€™m not going to debate every issue about the media, as I have my own complaints that you may not even have considered. My issue is with the term ā€œenemy of the peopleā€. Weā€™ve seen how it inspires threats and letter bombs etc. directed at journalists and media companies. I spent a career in journalism and have seen the toll that such threats have taken on some of my colleagues. Colleagues who are good people. Enemies are people that we try to hurt. They are people that deserve to be hurt. That is the context of the word as commonly understood. I donā€™t see any difference when Trump uses it or when one of us uses it. Criticize the media all you want, but understand that when you use that term, you give your approval to the threats and attacks on journalists that it inspires.