I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?


This is Canada’s biggest soccer success ever right? Women’s Olympics > men’s Gold Cup, right?

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Maybe just being at the 86 WC.
Canada was the best team at this year’s gold cup but the USA sent their B team so the tournament was kind of a joke.


Davies being in the fifa world xi and maybe being the second best player on a CL winning team might have been better than winning the gold cup tbh

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Just watched the pens on replay. Thought they were done for sure


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“Correction: The “twisties” is not a mental problem. It is spatial disorientation from the fluid in the semicircular canals being twisted and shaken unexpectedly during a complex movement. The cerebellum, which coordinates movement, is now confused. The gymnast does not know if she is up or down. The carefully orchestrated mind-body control that made those incredible moves possible is upset, and must be rebuilt.

That is a physical problem, and dangerous for high flying jumps, spins, and twists. Performing in that condition invites severe injury, even the possibility of death. Neither Simone Biles, nor anyone else should ever be pressured to perform in such a condition, nor shamed for not competing while having it.” —Peter Nagy.

Not now, we’re having a national poo-flinging debate about mental health. Even if true, this doesn’t fit the narrative.

Wrestling scoring is super confusing.

Here’s the family watching - always the best part

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Are there any openly deplorable American Olympians yet to compete who I can root against?

I can’t believe he’s in early 20s. JFC

I also chuckled at the assertion that someone who has experienced the twistees has to physically rebuild their entire routine because the muscle memory is broken.

I read somewhere else when this first happened that when gymnasts get the twisties it can take months to get over, and they essentially have to re-learn their way out of it in the gym with a pit to fall into instead of a mat. So I think it might be right on that.

i have bpv (although i think i have Meniere’s disease) and my quality of life has suffered significantly since and I basically do nothing. can’t imagine how bad it is if you are actually an active human.

For those not following closely Canada’s soccer win today is the first time a trans/non-binary athlete has won a medal. Fuck ya Canada!

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i read the title and didn’t really read it in depth, but isn’t it a bit weird that a non-binary person would be interested in representing his nation in a very binary defined competition?

Wow I also had BPPV several years ago and spent several miserable days certain I was dying with a brain tumor or some other horrible neurological condition.

Then I did some research, watched some youtube videos like this one which nicely explains the condition and demonstrates the Epley Maneuver used to treat it. I was able to cure myself instantly and have had no issues since.

Consider this a PSA and @Yuv I sure hope your condition is able to be resolved. Good luck.


Just a friendly reminder they go by they rather than his.