Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I’ve heard more than once a lot of people call the doc who Howard Stern swears cured his back problems he suffered with for years a total quack :man_shrugging:

Depends on the cause but this can work.

I tend to get intense dizzy spells a few days after flying long haul. For me, it’s likely related to how my ears respond to changes in air pressure.

EDIT: lol didn’t read responses

I don’t know that whole story, unless this guy developed some novel technique that literally no one else does, has demonstrated success in numerous cases, and ultimately has that technique widely adopted and named after him, I doubt this is an apt comparison.

I dunno, he was pretty famous and treated a bunch of celebs

Main article: Tension myositis syndrome

Sarno’s most notable achievement is the development, diagnosis, and treatment of tension myoneural syndrome (TMS), which is currently not accepted by mainstream medicine.[11][12] According to Sarno, TMS is a psychosomatic illness causing chronic back, neck, and limb pain which is not relieved by standard medical treatments. He includes other ailments, such as gastrointestinal problems, dermatological disorders and repetitive-strain injuries as TMS related. Sarno states that he has successfully treated over ten thousand patients at the Rusk Institute by educating them on his beliefs of a psychological and emotional basis to their pain and symptoms.[13] Sarno’s theory is, in part, that the pain or GI symptoms are an unconscious “distraction” to aid in the repression of deep unconscious emotional issues. Sarno believes that when patients think about what may be upsetting them in their unconscious, they can defeat their minds’ strategy to repress these powerful emotions; when the symptoms are seen for what they are, the symptoms then serve no purpose, and they go away.

Yeah, I don’t know anything about this dude. Maybe he’ll be the Epley of the future. I highly doubt it. But what is clear is that he’s not there yet.

BBPV came up a month ago in the Olympics thread. Three cheers for Epley.

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I had labyrinthitis when I was younger, and I remember a low level feeling of dizziness and nausea lasting a couple of weeks. That gave way to sporadic moments where, if I tilted my head at a certain angle, the entire room would spin vertically super fast. What was really strange about that phase was that I would get some sort of masochistic pleasure from it, I cannot explain why.


Upon arriving in China and South Korea for work, I was hospitalized with severe vertigo. It was so bad that any movement of my head would cause me to vomit. I’d basically be heaving stomach acid out because of bad it was. Had to be in the hospital for a week each time. In the latter case, I hadn’t used my legs for so long that I had to essentially train myself to walk again so I didn’t fall over.

Only had it once in each country both times when I arrived there for the first time. Wonder if it was severe anxiety that caused it. Who knows?

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Dating fucking sucks. Can’t we just go back to arranged marriages? I’d pay a dowry to avoid having to go on dates no question.


Are mail order brides still a thing?

God the cost of S&H for a human being has to be ridiculously high.

The Moaning of Life had an episode about dating in India. Basically you go to a dating center, meet a girl who registered there and you’re married soon after. Some of it was hella creepy like the “marriage detective” thing before the ceremony.

Have you considered visiting Thailand?

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I know you’re mostly joking but there is an important difference between an arranged marriage and the whole mail order thing. In places where arranged marriages happen, most (but certainly not all) occur among individuals of similar socioeconomic status. Also, in a lot of those places there is no real alternative. That’s the way pretty much all marriages in the community happen.

I’m aware of that.

Bruce is edgelording again. To be fair, I’m guilty of enabling it by responding in a deadpan fashion.

I read here that all Thai brides are whores.

That response was mostly to NBZ.

Holy shit. Remind me to get at least 2nd floor if I ever move to NYC.

People in basement apartments could literally drown.

Going for some sleep testing for the first week of October. Gotta put a bunch of electrodes all over my head. So no electronics and I have to shave my beard.

Gonna have to find a lot of paper book recommendations since it’s the only way to entertain myself. Well, not the only way but the only way that won’t disturb anybody who randomly walks in.

I’d almost rather keep having a shitty night’s sleep.

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This is fine.

Ugh, this reminds me of back when Sandy hit, I heard about some researchers at Columbia who lost a whole colony of research mice to the flooding. That doesn’t sound that bad, and it’s certainly not bad compared to the people who lost their lives, but that’s their entire life’s work, and it could take a decade or more to recreate. So, just in time to get completely destroyed again by this.